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Q: What changes took place began to live in permanent communities?
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Why farming was one of the important steps of civilization?

Because farming meant that people stayed in the same place year-round, growing, tending to, and harvesting their crops. Before farming, people were nomadic -- they traveled around in tribes, never staying in the same place very long. But once people began farming, fixed, permanent communities began to develop.

How did nomadic people both contribute to slow down the development of civilizations?

Nomadic people contributed to slowing down the development of civilizations by not settling in one place and therefore not engaging in long-term agricultural practices or the development of complex infrastructure. Their reliance on hunting and gathering limited their ability to create permanent settlements and accumulate surplus resources. This prevented the formation of large, centralized societies and hindered the progress of civilization.

What does the cradle of civilization mean?

Cradle of civilization means the place where civilization began to flourish. Civilization was able to thrive because it had what it needed.

What economic and social changes did fairs bring about in the Middle Ages?

The Fairs were a place where people could go to buy goods from all around the world. The fairs would bring people together and the social lives of people began to change as well. Cities became trading centers because of the fairs, and much wealth came about from different cities over the world.

Did medieval villages have mayors?

Things varied with time an place, but in England, the general usage was that if a village got to the point that it had a person who was a permanent officer, such as a mayor, then it was no longer a village, but a town. That being the case, English villages did not have mayors.

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What permanent changes took place for the labor unions as a result of the new deal?

The permanent changes that took place for labor unions as a result of the new deal was social security, public works, and federal agencies.

Why farming was one of the important steps of civilization?

Because farming meant that people stayed in the same place year-round, growing, tending to, and harvesting their crops. Before farming, people were nomadic -- they traveled around in tribes, never staying in the same place very long. But once people began farming, fixed, permanent communities began to develop.

What important changes took place when Stone Age people settled in one place?

When Stone Age people settled in one place, they began practicing agriculture, creating permanent settlements, developing social structures, and producing more complex tools and pottery. This shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled living led to advancements in technology, the development of specialized skills, and the growth of communities.

What changes which took place in the beginning of the Neolithic Age?

Some changes that took place in the beginning of the Neolithic Age include the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled agriculture, the development of pottery and weaving techniques, the domestication of animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This period marked a significant transition in human society towards more complex and organized communities.

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What changes in the way people lived did agriculture make possible?

Agriculture allowed people to settle in one place instead of constantly moving in search of food. This led to the development of permanent communities, the growth of populations, and the specialization of labor. It also enabled the creation of surplus food production, leading to trade and the development of complex societies.

What major changes took place in the way people live during the Neolithic revolution?

During the Neolithic Revolution, people transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities, began farming and raising animals, developed pottery and weaving techniques, and built permanent structures like homes and temples. This shift led to the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and the establishment of more complex societies with division of labor and social hierarchies.

What would the changes in communities that take place on a recently formed volcanic island best be described as?

Primary succession

What would the changes in communities that take place on a recently formed volcanic island best described as?

Primary succession

Why did early humans stop migrating?

Early humans stopped migrating as frequently once they began practicing agriculture, which allowed them to settle in one place and establish more permanent communities. The development of agriculture provided a stable food source, leading to the formation of civilizations and the decline of nomadic lifestyles.

Why is Virginia the best place to live in?

Because Merica started here! Permanent English settlement began in Virginia with Jamestown in 1607.

What was the consequences of the development of farming for native communities?

The development of farming for native communities led to a shift from nomadic lifestyles to settled societies. This change impacted social structures, diet, and technology, while also contributing to population growth and the establishment of permanent settlements. However, it also brought challenges such as erosion of cultural practices, increased competition for resources, and vulnerability to environmental changes.