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Charlemagne lived in the late 8th century and early 9th century.

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Q: What century did Charlemagne live in?
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Who is not a composer Charlemagne leonin perotin machaut?

Charlemagne was not a composer; he was a medieval emperor. Leonin and Perotin were composers from the Notre Dame school of organum in the 12th century, while Machaut was a composer from the ars nova period in the 14th century.

How is George Washington related to Charlemagne?

George Washington is not directly related to Charlemagne. Charlemagne lived in the 9th century and George Washington lived in the 18th century, so there is a significant time gap between them. Additionally, Charlemagne's lineage did not directly continue to George Washington.

What town did Charlemagne's teacher live in?

Charlemagne's teacher is Alucin of York. York is located in England

Where did a Charlemagne live?

He lived in Northern France.

Where did king Charlemagne live?

He lived in Rome

Where did Charlemagne live?

Charlemagne ruled the Kingdom of the Franks, and later was made emperor. His palace was at Aachen, and that was where he spent the most time.

When is it believed that Charlemagne introduced the principles of the feudal system to his empire?

between 9th and 10th century

Eight century ecclesiastical scholar from york?

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