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Crusades had a major impact on the building of castles as many large castles were built across Europe. The crusades were expensive and led to the creation of governmental processes to asses and collect taxes. In turn, this led to the current taxation system that has now been adopted around the world.

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Q: What benefits did the crusades bring to Europe?
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What did the crusades bring back with them after they impacted Europe?

They brought back knowledge that had been lost before the crusades

How did the crusades help bring great change in Europe?

They brought trade.

How did the Crusades affect the government of Europe?

Oh honey, buckle up. The Crusades were like a medieval rollercoaster, shaking up the power dynamics in Europe. They brought back spices, silk, and a whole lot of new ideas that got the feudal system all riled up. Governments had to adapt to handle the influx of wealth and knowledge, leading to the rise of centralized authority and the eventual downfall of those fancy knights in shining armor. So yeah, the Crusades were a wild ride for Europe's government, shaping it into the hot mess we know today.

What did the Crusades do for Europe?

The Crusades increased the population of trade between Europe and the Middle East.

What impact did the crusades have on Europe?

the crusades helpef the europeans

What was the impetus for change that removed the isolation of Europe in the middle ages?

It was the Crusades.

Did the crusades open trades between Europe and china via the silk road?

No, the crusades never were near Asia. The crusaders did bring back new ideas, foods, math, science, and other things.

How did the crusades help western europe?

The Crusades brought much riches to Western Europe and created a sense of religious unity.

Was Europe in the crusades?


Where did the crusades happen?


How far were the Crusades from Europe?

Not far the Crusades were fought on or near the Arabian Penensula

What did you need to bring on the crusades?

A sword???