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Auguste Comte established these stages. These three stages through which human society is said to have passed are the Theocratic Stage, the Metaphysical Stage, and the Positivity stage.

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Q: What are the three stages through which human society is said to have passed?
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What does this word civilizations means?

civ·i·li·za·tion n. 1. An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and material development in human society, marked by progress in the arts and sciences,

What are 3 or more virtues most admired in early roman society?

duty, courage and determination, loyalty, humility Source: World History, The Human Odyssey Textbook, Jackson J Spielvogel

How has human use of soil changed through history?

Humans first started to grow their plants in the soil. They put fertilizers and nutrition in it for their plant. They made houses of soil in stoneage. But today, human use lots of water so soil gets weathered everyday. Human are ruining soil.

Tradition is an obstacle in progress?

In this fast moving world everyday the lifestyle of human being changes to a greater extent.Every minute man invents something new to have a better standard of living but the more we are advancing the further we are being trapped in the conflicts between past and future between tradition and monerity. But what is tradition at all? Tradition can commonly be defined as the ritualistic practice that are passed on generation from generation.Tradition are practiced in many distinct forms.They are passed through society,family and individual influences.Some traditions are based on relegious beliefs,other may provide understanding of a particular culture,whichever way a tradition is learnt it will always define the principles of customs for the people who practice them. Now lets talk about the relation between tradition and progress.Most of us believe that tradition are a hurdle in progress because of the various inhuman practices that still prevail in our Indian Society.But these practices are not our tradition.Infact tradition is the

How have vampires changed through time?

Since the beginning of time vampires have been seen as demons, going against the rights of humans and feeding on there own. Now a days vampires are seen more like everyone else, more human.

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Three stage through which human society is said to have passed?

The three stages that all the human beings have to pass through include birth, life and death.

What are the 5 stages of society?

The five stages of society proposed by sociologist Gerhard Lenski are: hunting and gathering societies, horticultural and pastoral societies, agrarian societies, industrial societies, and post-industrial societies. These stages represent the progression of human societies in terms of technological advancements and social organization.

What stages does a mountain lion go through at birth?

they go through the same thin g a human does just in animal formation

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the early stages of the human embryo are similar to the early stages of the fish

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The different stages of human development are -{1} Infant {2} child hood {3} young {4} old age.

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It has 3 stages. 1) It starts as an egg in the mother's body.2) When it is ready to be born, it will come out as a baby. 3) It will grow up to be an adult. This is the life cycle of a human.

What are the 9 stages of a human's life?

The nine stages of a human's life according to Hindu philosophy are called the Navaratna, and they are: birth, childhood, adolescence, youth, adulthood, middle age, old age, death, and rebirth. These stages represent the different phases of an individual's physical, emotional, and spiritual development throughout their lifetime.

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Yes, mutations can be passed along to human offspring through both meiosis and mitosis. Mutations that occur in the germ cells during meiosis can be passed on to offspring, while mutations that occur in somatic cells during mitosis can potentially lead to a mosaic pattern of mutated and normal cells in an individual.

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According to Peazz, there are five stages of human development: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Each stage is characterized by distinct physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes.

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hiiii so were did peolpe come from?

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