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Q: What are some positive impacts that the crusades had on Europe?
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What was the whole purpose of the crusades?

The purpose of the Crusades was to make converts to Christianity. The crusaders went across Europe trying to make people believe in Christianity. Some of the Crusades were successful; others, not so much. Also..TACO SALAD.

What are some questions on the Crusades?

Who were in the Crusades who started the Crusades who fought in the Crusades how long did each Crusade last how long was the longest Crusade

What were some of the effects of the crusades?

some of the affects were that the crusades were disliked by the people of England. they made people poor.

What are some affects of the crusades had on Europe?

Effects of the Crusades on CommerceOne of the most important effects of the crusades was on commerce. They created a constant demand for the transportation of men and supplies, encouraged ship-building, and extended the market for eastern wares in Europe. Effects of the Crusades on FeudalismThe crusades could not fail to affect in many ways the life of western Europe. For instance, they helped to undermine feudalism. Private warfare, which was rife during the Middle Ages, also tended to die out with the departure for the Holy Land of so many turbulent feudal lords. Their decline in both numbers and influence, and the corresponding growth of the royal authority, may best be traced in the changes that came about in France, the original home of the crusading movement.

Where were crusades fought?

the crusades were fought in the middle east, some in spain, germany and byzantine.

Related questions

What were the positive effects of the crusades?

Some positive effects of the Crusades include the increased cultural exchange between the East and the West, the growth of trade and commerce in Europe, and the strengthening of centralized European states. Additionally, the Crusades led to advancements in technology, medicine, and navigation.

What was some impacts the crusades had on Europe and the middle east?

The impact of the Crusades on Europe were substantial. Although not its intention, the Crusades stimulated trade with the East. This introduced to Europe luxury goods. Other impacts were as follows: A. The Crusades took pressure off of the Byzantine empire; B. As nobles left their lands in Europe to fight, it allowed kings in Europe and the Church to regain some of their power; C. Religious fraternities such as the Knights Templars began to keep guard on Holy Land activities; and D. Taking heed of financial institutions in the East, the basis of a banking system began to develop in Europe.

What were some of the positive effects of the crusades on education in Europe?

Some positive effects of the Crusades on education in Europe include the introduction of new ideas, cultures, and knowledge from the Middle East, leading to the establishment of universities and increased interest in learning. The interaction with Muslim scholars also helped to translate and preserve classical Greek and Roman texts, contributing to the revival of learning known as the Renaissance.

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What are the Positive impacts tourism in Cyprus?

There are many different impacts, some good, some bad. The main positive impacts are the money coming in through tourism, and the tourists themselves, everyone can make alot of new friends, or maybe meet that someone special (:

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Correct AnswerI don't know

What are some political effects of the crusades?

The Crusades contributed to the rise of central governments in Europe by granting more power and influence to monarchs and strengthening their control over territories. They also led to increased religious tension and persecution of non-Christians, particularly Jews, as a result of the anti-Semitic sentiments fueled by the Crusades. Additionally, the Crusades fostered a greater sense of unity among European Christians and helped facilitate cultural exchanges with the East, which had lasting impacts on trade, technology, and knowledge.

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Some positive impacts of mining are that it brings employment to the area and community development projects. Negative impacts include changing the social dynamics of the community, impacting health and livelihoods, and preventing access to clean land and water.

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Natural disasters can lead to the fostering of community solidarity and resilience in affected areas. They can also provide opportunities for environmental regeneration and ecosystem restoration. Additionally, disasters can prompt advancements in disaster preparedness and response strategies.

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some impacts of war 1 and 2 my grandpa was in it