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Q: What are 3 products the Europeans learned about during the crusades?
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Are the crusades and middle ages the same thing?

No. The Middle Ages is the period of Western European history from 500 - 1500 A.D. The Crusades were a series of invasions of the Middle East by Europeans, instigated by various Popes during the Middle Ages.

Did you win the crusades?

I was not alive during the crusades.

How did the Crusades lead to the Renaissance?

The Crusaders contributed to the increase of trade by demanding more of the goods found in Asia. This increased demand, in turn, led to yet more trade with the Muslim world. Using what they had learned, such as navigation techniques, Europeans then sought trade with civilizations on other continents. Contacts with Muslim scholars and their preserved greek and roman texts brought the Europeans a wealth of knowledge about medicine, art and government, much of which contributed to the change and learning during the Renaissance.

3 long term effects of the crusades?

the Crusades benefited Europe in a number of ways. For one thing, the exchange that occurred during the Crusades facilitated the spread of Islamic math and science. This exposed Europeans to improvements in navigation techniques. These advancements, in turn, helped to usher in Europe's Age of Exploration and led to nearly five centuries of European cultural and economic dominance.

What products were imported to Europe from Asia as a result of the Crusades?

Many different types of spices were imported to Europe from Asia as a result of the Crusades. There was also gold and jade jewelry, and porcelain items like vases imported by Europe from Asia during this time.

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What new products did Europeans find during the Crusades?

apple sauce

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Europeans found new products during the Crusades -- APEX

What was a cause of the European interest in good from Asia?

Europeans found new products during the Crusades -- APEX

What was the cause of the European interest in goods from Asia?

Europeans found new products during the Crusades -- APEX

What was the cause of the European interesting goods from Asia?


Where did the European's first experiment with the plantation system?

During the Crusades, Italians from Venice had taken over Arab sugar farms I'n what is now Lebanon. europeans learned the advantages of using the plantation system

Where did europeans first experiment with plantation system?

During the Crusades, Italians from Venice had taken over Arab sugar farms I'n what is now Lebanon. europeans learned the advantages of using the plantation system

How does Europe benefit culturally from the interactions with the Islamic world during the crusades?

Europeans learned from Islamic advances in math, science, and medicine. The Crusades also temporarily reduced the amount of fighting in Europe because everyone was busy in the Middle East.

Did the Europeans achieve their goals during the Crusades?

actually no they didnt. they failed their intended goals.

How did crusades increase European interest in trade?

During the war, the Europeans encountered a variety of Asian goods. After the war, they continued to demand these items.

How did the crusades increase European interests in trade?

During the war, the Europeans encountered a variety of Asian goods. After the war, they continued to demand these items.

How did the crusades increase European trade interest?

During the war, the Europeans encountered a variety of Asian goods. After the war, they continued to demand these items.