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400 AD

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Q: Was the roman empire bigger in 400 ad or 117 ad?
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Was the roman empire larger in 400 ad or in 117 ad?

The Roman Empire reached its largest extent in 116 AD.

Was the roman empire larger in 400 ad or 117 ad?

The Roman Empire reached its largest extent in 116 AD.

What country joined the roman empire in 400 bc?


When did the kingdom of mali and Ghana flourish?

400 - 1400, during the era when the Roman Empire declined, the Byzantine Empire flourished, and Islam was founded.

When did the Romans build a empire?

The roman empire started in around 400 bc, when they started to gain Italian lands. the roman invasion of Britain was in 43 ad.

Was the eastern or western roman empire larger?

The Eastern Roman empire was much stronger then the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire had more money and soldiers. It also lasted 1000 years longer then the western roman empire

Why was western Europe more united in 400 then it was in the 800?

The Roman Empire had extended its control over Western Europe

The western roman empire collasped in the 400's but the eastern empire continued for another 1000 years what did it become known as?


How significant was roman empire?

Very, for over 400 years. Its influence has lasted ever since its heyday.

What empire did England belong to for 400 years in ancient time?

the Celts Britain was the western frontier of Rome at the time

Why was western Europe more united in 400 then it was in 800?

The Roman empire had extended its control over western Europe.

What caused Rome's empire to weaken in the 400's?

The invasions of the western part of the Roman Empire led to its weakening and sparked the process which led to its fall in during this century. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to eixst for 1,000 years