Comes from the NBA Basketball player Manute Bol. During his practices with the Golden State Warriors Manute Bol would say "My Bad" when he made an error.
The phrase 'come full circle' refers to getting back to the original position or the original state of affairs. The origin of the phrase is unknown, but is used in the Western world.
Ezekiel, chapter 3, verses 8 and 9
The phrase "forty winks" comes from an issue of Punch Magazine in 1872. This article was describing the Articles of Faith found in the Church of England.
Turn in "go to bed" is attested from 1695, originally nautical.
I understood the term to be rhyming slang for 'For Free', origin un-known. I understood the term to be rhyming slang for 'For Free', origin un-known. See related link for answer.
The origin of the phrase, Saint Elmo's Fire, is related to weather. It was coined by sailors who witnessed balls of light during thunderstorms and was thought to be bad luck.
It's from the movie "JAWS".
Get rid of last years bad year and have a "Happy New Year" !
overheard in the loos of a rock gig aimed at a bad one armed drummer.
There is no such phrase as "eat you".
There is no such phrase. There is a word rampage. It is of Scottish origin, perhaps from RAMP, to rear up.
The phrase of Greek origin referring to the common people is "hoi polloi."
"on the rocks"
The Spanish for "I have put" is he puesto, could this be the origin?
The phrase "you suck" is believed to have originated in the United States in the 1970s as slang meaning "you're bad" or "you're no good." It is often used as an insult or expression of disapproval.