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To keep the holy land out of Muslim control.

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Q: One of the reasons the Crusades were undertaken was to?
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Early voyages were undertaken for different reasons. These reasons included looking for new supply routes and looking for new lands.

Why did the europeans explore the East?

An example of exploration to the east would be the Crusades. The Crusades happened for multiple reasons one was to flush out heretics and Muslims and the other was to get the riches that the East held in store.

What were the reasons for the nine crusades?

because hey were bored

What type of people went on crusades and what were their reasons for going?

people went on crusades for many reasons like to please god, to runaway from the law, get more land or help their reputation

What are 2 reasons that the crusades happen?

one is fighting over the Holey land and fighting over different views in religion

What were the to reasons that crusades were a failure for the church?

Watch the CBBC horrible histories - crusades clip on YouTube, I know that it appears basic and is rather cringworthy but I simplithies the crusades quite effectively :)

What a main reason for the crusades?

The crusades were fought for a variety of religious, economic, and political reasons and many historians see the Crusades as part of a purely defensive war against Islamic conquest.

What were the dates of the crusades?

there have been many crusades, which one's

Why did some europeans have other reasons for encouraging for the crusades?

im tryna find the answer to......

What was one direct result of Crusades?

The Crusades increased trade and commerce.

What was one direct results of the crusades?

The Crusades increased trade and commerce.

Why is felling of trees is undertaken?

There are many reasons for felling trees. Some reasons are; Forrestry Management, Health and Safety,Lanscaping, Fuel and making of products from a natural resource which is sustainable.