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Q: Navigator who wanted to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe?
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What explorer hoped to reach the far east by sailing west of Europe?

Chris Columbus in 1492

Continent that columbus hoped to reach by sailing west from europe?

Columbus hoped to reach America by sailing west from Europe. After carrying out a brief fact finding tour in America, he arranged a second voyage back.

What continent would you reach if you sailed south from Europe?

Africa would be the main answer, but there are parts of Europe where you could sail south and reach Asia, like sailing across the Black Sea to Turkey.

Why was Christopher Columbus going on his journey?

He wanted to find an all-water route to Asia by sailing west. He was right that one might reach Asia by sailing west but he did not know that the continents of North and South America lay between Europe and Asia. What he accomplished was of far greater significance in the long run.

What European explorer proved it was possible to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe?

Bartholomeu DiasAmerigo VespucciFerdinand MagellanMartin Behaim

Where was Columbus trying to reach by sailing west?

Columbus was trying to reach Asia by sailing west in order to establish a direct trade route for valuable goods such as spices and silks. He believed he could reach Asia by sailing westward instead of the traditional eastward route, which was blocked by the Ottoman Empire.

European who proved it was possible to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe?

Ferdinand MagellanFerdinand Magellan's expedition of 1519-1522 became the first expedition sailing west from Europe to Asia, and the first to cross the Pacific. It also completed the first circumnavigationof the earth.