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No, the Western Wall is in Jerusalem. The Atlantic Wall was Hitler's fortifications around the French coast

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Q: Is the west wall and the Atlantic wall the same thing?
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When was West Atlantic created?

West Atlantic was created in 2008.

What ocean is west of Africia?

the Atlantic ocean is west of africa

The ocean west of Scotland?

The North Atlantic ocean lies to the West of Scotland.

Which continent is to the west of the Atlantic ocean?

North America is to the west of the Atlantic Ocean.

What ocean is Spain on?

Spain is located on the ATLANTIC Ocean and the Mediterranean SEA. Seas and Oceans are not the same things.AtlanticSpain is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the south and east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west.Spain's west coast, and north coast, is on the Atlantic Ocean.

What ocean is west of Europe?

The Atlantic Ocean is west of Europe.

Is the Atlantic ocean west of africa?

Yes, the Atlantic Ocean is located to the west of Africa. The west coast of Africa borders the Atlantic Ocean.

What did the Soviets build to divide east Berlin from west Berlin?

Not a thing. The East Germans built the Berlin Wall.

What is immediately west of Scotland?

The Atlantic Ocean is immediately west of Scotland.

Is West Virginia closer to the Pacific or Atlantic Oceans?

West Virginia is closer to the Atlantic Ocean because both are on the East Coast of the United States. The Pacific Ocean is on the West Coast of the United States and closer to states such as California, Washington, and Oregon.

Does it take the same amount of time to cross the Atlantic east to west?

It takes more time to cross the Atlantic by plane going from east to west due to the wind drag on the plane. Going west to east gives the plane a "tailwind" that kind of pushes it along the way.