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Q: Is 1453 in fourteenth century or fifteenth century?
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The history of coffee goes back at least to the thirteenth century. It is believed to have originated in Ethiopia and became a crop for Arabs in the fourteenth century. The earliest acknowledgement of people drinking coffee is attributed Sufi monasteries in the fifteenth century.

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How did the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment affect the Dred Scott decision?

The Dred Scott decision stated that people of African decent imported to America were not citizens and not protected by the Constitution. The fourteenth and fifteenth amendments nullified that decision.

Does the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments extended the rights of African American?

someone need to answer it!

What terms is assigned to the thirteenth fourteenth and fifteenth amendments?

civil war amendments

What are characteristics of churches in the 15th centuries?

To quote from Prof. Diane Moczar's book What Every Catholic Wants to Know Catholic History: The fourteenth centery was an age of appalling catastrophe, and the fifteenth century only slightly less so. The "Mediaeval synthesis" unravelled and collapsed. The balance between Church and state became unbalanced, famine and plague ravaged the fourteenth century mainly due to really bad weather with the starvation rate approaching ten percent mortality in the fourteenth century, followed by the Black Death: the plague, which killed an estimated thirty percent of the entire population of Europe. Ten years before the Black Death hit, the Hundred Years War began, and when the English were finally defeated in 1453, they no sooner got home than a civil war for the throne broke out in England that lasted three decades. During this entire time the papacy was in distress with the Avignon papacy, immediately followed by the heresy of Conciliarism which ravaged the Church throughout the fifteenth century, finally condemned in 1460. In short, the Church was in a lot of trouble for two centuries, only to be followed by the protestant revolt in the sixteenth century, for which the troubles of the fifteenth century were largely responsible.

What were the terms of the fourteenth amendments?

The Fourteenth Amendment Rights Guaranteed Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process and Equal Protection. The fourteenth amendment goes along with the thirteenth and fifteenth amendments.

What was the most significant enduring legacy of reconstruction?

the ratification of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments

In what century was ad 1440?

It was in the fifteenth century.