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This is an urban legend. There was no such law. The phrase "rule of thumb" comes, rather, from the time-honored practice of using the thumb to make rough measurements (think "rule" as in "ruler"). In some languages, in fact, the word for "inch" is the same as the word for "thumb" (e.g., French pouce) or is derived from it (e.g. Spanish plugada, from pulgar).

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Q: In the 1400s a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb Hence we have the rule of thumb?
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What person or thing was West Virgina named after?

The Colony of Virginia was claimed for the British Crown in 1584 by Sir Walter Raleigh though it was later abandoned until 1607. At the time the Queen of England was Elizabeth the First - sometimes known as the Virgin Queen - Hence Virginia. When the United States was formed, West Virginia was one of the states created from the old Colony along with Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois.

Why did the Medieval Inquisition happen?

Originally, the the Inquisition was established in order to suppress heresy. (The Catholic Church in the the Middle Ages and later was generally not very tolerant of diversity on matters of doctrine). Later, in 1478 Spain was allowed to set up its own 'national' Inquisition. Initially, its main function was to detect insincere converts from Judaism and Islam. (Spain offered its Jewish and Islamic population the choice between explusion and conversion to Christianity: hence the problem).

How did white city get its name?

There was once a great exhibition hall there, which was made of marble, hence White City.

Where did white city get its name from?

There was once a great exhibition hall there, which was made of marble, hence White City

What were the main stages in training of a craftsman in a medieval town?

There were three main stages in the professional life of a medieval craftsman.Apprentice - this was the learning stageJourneyman - this was the stage of gaining experience, often while traveling - hence the nameMaster - the top rung on the ladder; the Masters ran the Guilds

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