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Q: How was the mongol period both destructive and constructive?
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Which was first the Medieval Period or Renaissance?

The Medieval Period, also known as the Middle Ages, was first. It is the period in European history running from the end of the classical period (marked by the overthrow of the last Western Roman emperor in 476 C.E.) to the beginning of the Renaissance. The Medieval Period is sometimes said to have run from 500 C.E. to 1500 C.E., just to use round numbers, but the Renaissance actually began in Florence in the late 1300s or early 1400s. By 1500, the Renaissance had spread through most of Europe. The Renaissance (meaning "rebirth") was a time of great intellectual change in Europe. Literature in both Latin and everyday languages flowered. Art became more realistic. Science was reborn, with thinkers basing their knowledge on observation and experimentation rather than theoretical reasoning. The Age of Discovery, during which Western Europeans voyaged to distant continents, paralleled the Renaissance in time. Together they led to the beginning of what historians refer to as "modern history".

What was the largest benefit of the mongol empire?

Depends on your point of view. East Asia - allowed Japan to grow without suppression from China South Asia - united disputing kingdoms and lead to the mughal empire that acted as the only peaceful Indian state with both Muslim and Hindu religions represented Middle East - Took on the role as the leading Muslim power and facilitated the rise of the ottomans Europe - Reconnected east Europe to trade lanes in Asia Africa - allowed the trade of salt and gold to grow Overall, the largest benefit is the re-installation of interregional trade that had stopped with the fall of the Roman, Gupta, and Han Empires

What did both northern European and the Italian renaissance have in common?

They were both European renaissances

What contributed to the downfall of both the Han and Roman Empires?

Both empires grew too large to protect.

How was a manor largely self sufficient both military and economically?

Manor largely self sufficient both military and economically. The main way that both sufficient were by workers and land.

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