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dy the chinese people

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Q: How was Christianity shaped by the cultures of Asia and the Americas?
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What term describes the exchange of goods and ideas among the continents of Europe Asia Africa and the Americas?

black oranges

Why did europeans seek a western route to Asia?

Because the Ottoman Empire had taken control of the Eastern Land Routes to asia. Portugal DID find an all water route that went east, it went around the southern tip of Africa. Columbus wanted to go west. But don't think Columbus was a hero for accidentally discovering the Americas. He also cut off the hands of the Natives that did not bring gold back to him. He was a lucky and savage man.

What was Rome's greatest legacy?

the Roman empire literally changed history. Rome spread Christianity into every corner of the know world, from Britannia to Asia minor (western Asia) and from Germany to North Africa. the Romans were very practical people, which is why the roman empire lasted so long (the eastern empire (the Byzantine empire) lasted up to 1453). They did not rule by terror or force and Rome's civilians really did get a better life - stone walled cities, baths, roads, aqueducts and a well trained, well payed professional army armed with the best equipment in the known world. the greatest legacy of ancient Rome are the far reaching effects of her presence, for instance, Hadrian's Wall (Northumberland, England) marks the end of the most powerful empire in the world, and the huge walls surrounding Constantinople that weren't overcome by an enemy until the crusades in the 15th century. But the greatest legacies are the successes of the Latin influence in modern European languages and spread of the Christian faith.

What caused Europeans to become interested in Asia?

Mostly, Asia had what they didn', spices and such.

What is the continet of Rome?

The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.The Roman empire was on Europe, Asia and Africa.

Related questions

Why is there a variety of cultures in Asia?

The diversity of cultures in Asia can be attributed to its vast size, long history, and different geographical features that have shaped unique identities and traditions across the continent. Factors such as migration, trade, conquests, and religious influences have also contributed to the rich tapestry of cultures found in Asia.

Do more Christians today live in Asia where Christianity was formed or in other continents?

More Christians today live in other continents outside of Asia, such as Europe, Africa, and the Americas. While Asia is the birthplace of Christianity, over the centuries, the religion has spread and gained significant followings in other parts of the world.

What countire have had a part in the cultural influence of Southeast Asia?

the cultures and religions of India and China as well as the religions Islam and Christianity fromSouthwest Asia.

How were the Americas populated and how did they become home to diverse cultures?

The Americas were populated through multiple waves of migration from Asia over thousands of years, with people crossing the Bering land bridge. These early settlers adapted to diverse environments and developed unique cultures through interactions with their surroundings and each other. Over time, these diverse cultures evolved and thrived, shaped by factors like agriculture, trade, and beliefs.

Why did Christianity spread around the world?

European trade and conquest took Christianity to Africa and the Americas. Christianity also spread to Asia, but with rather less success as it met other advanced religions that were more difficult to supplant.

What are cultures of the desert like?

There is no possible way to describe the cultures in deserts as they are quite variable throughout the world. The various cultures in Asia differ considerably from those in Africa or in the Americas. If you could name a particular area of the world it would help a great deal.

Which ocean lies between Asia and the Americas?

The Pacific Ocean lies between Asia and the Americas.

Where is Christianity practiced most today?

Christianity is practiced most today in the Americas, particularly in the United States and Brazil, as well as in Europe, with countries like Russia, Germany, and Italy having significant Christian populations. Additionally, countries in Africa such as Nigeria and the Philippines in Asia also have large Christian populations.

What are cultural groups in Australia?

There is Australian culture which is mainstream, and then there are numerous other Aboriginal cultures. In addition, because Australia is such a multicultural country, cultures around the world - Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, oceania, etc - are represented in Australia.

Did the The world's earliest cultures began in the Americas?

Mankind evolved on the Plains of Africa, then spread up into the Middle East, then Split into either Europe or Asia. It is assumed that Humans reached the Americas across the Bering Strait during an Ice Age

What were the main religons in the 1900?

The main religions in the 1900s globally included Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Christianity and Islam were the largest religions in terms of followers, with Christianity being predominant in the Americas and Europe, while Islam was prevalent in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Hinduism was the dominant religion in India, while Buddhism was widely practiced in East and Southeast Asia.

What are some cultural groups in Australia?

There is Australian culture which is mainstream, and then there are numerous other Aboriginal cultures. In addition, because Australia is such a multicultural country, cultures around the world - Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas, oceania, etc - are represented in Australia.