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Nothing tells me age about these people. I can only give you a guess. Since they handled business for the "lord" for whom they worked I would guess in their 20's. People began working early in life, and died early.

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Q: How old are medieval bailiffs?
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What the medieval bailiffs earn for their work?

In medieval history the bailiffs TUTS MAI BARREH and they earned TUTS MAI BARREH cause TUTS MAI BARREH is good.

Where medieval bailiffs live?

They would live in their lord's castle.

Who trained the medieval bailiffs?

In America, you train the medieval baliffs Back in Soviet Russia, mediveal baliffs train YOU!

What is bailiffs means?

Medieval official who saw that peasants did their work.Officer of the court responsible for maintaining order in the courtroom.

Where does a medieval bailiff live?

The medieval bailiff often resided in the manor house. These people were responsible for the running of the manor, the control of the peasants and any other details the lord of the manor assigned to them. Bailiffs sometimes came from the families of lesser nobility.

How did medieval bailiffs dress?

Medieval bailiffs wore jackets that went down to the knees. under it they wore a brown shirt with a collar. a slim belt went around the waist. attached to it was tools the would need around the manor with a pouch that they would use to collect taxes from the peasants. under it they wore jean-like pants with the common shoes back then.

Who was the medieval ruler of Andover?

Andover was granted a charter in 1175 by King Richard I. It gave the people of the town the right to governance, putting the actual control into the hands of a merchant guild whose members elected two officers referred to as bailiffs. The bailiffs were the actual executive rulers. There is a source link below.

How do you use the word bailiffs in a sentence?

The bailiffs are responsible for keeping order in the court. The bailiffs followed James out of the courtroom when his cell phone rang during the hearing.

Can bailiffs take horses?

dont be stupid, i assume by BAILIFFS you mean court BAILIFFS or officers, they will take money credit or checks you keep the horse and go sit on it no

What food did Medieval Bailiffs eat?

Medieval bailiffs would typically eat simple and hearty foods such as bread, vegetables, grains, and sometimes meat like pork or poultry. Their diets would vary depending on their social status and wealth, but generally, they would consume foods that were locally available and affordable. Luxuries like spices, sugar, and meats like beef or game would be reserved for wealthier individuals.

What are viscounts and bailiffs in medieval times?

A viscount is a member of the nobility of a higher rank than a baron, but lower rank than a count or earl . In England, barons, viscounts, earls, marquesses, and dukes constituted the peers, who were the highest members of the nobility and given special access to the king, who they were expected to advise.

Are there bailiffs in small claims court?

Bailiffs and court officers are everywhere in the court house, including each court room.