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Presumably your question is: "What is 189 in Roman numerals?"

CLXXXVIIII (189) or IXCC (200-11). Note that 189 in Roman numerals is not CLXXXIX despite what you may have read or been told.

Alternative, conventional answer: Presumably your question was "What is the value of the Roman numeral CLXXXIX?" The correct answer is indeed 189. Roman numerals should be read from left to right with the highest value numeral at the start. Clearly C (100) + L (50) + XXX (30) + IV (9) follows this rule and is therefore perfectly correct and acceptable. The alternative answer C (100) + L (50 + XXX (30) + VIIII (9) which is written as CLXXXVIIII also follows this rule and is also numerically correct, although it is unweildy and is rarely used. The other alternative IXCC made up from IX (9) less than CC (200) clearly flouts the rule of starting with the largest numeral on the left. According to the website it also breaks the rule that, "I can preceed V and X but should not preceed any larger numeral." As I is placed before C in IXCC this is clearly wrong.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

I think you may have a typo here. There is no ll in Roman numerals. If you mean xxxii, it would be 32.

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Why was Roman Emperor so significant?

There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.There were so many Roman emperors because the Roman empire lasted for a long, long, time.

How many years did the Roman republic last for?

The Roman Republic lasted 482 years.

A roman soldier who is tortured to death?

Doubtless many Roman soldiers were tortured to death when captured by enemies of rome.

How many people could a roman galley hold?

70 to 80 people could fit in a roman galley

Are there 7 Roman emporers?

There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.There are many more than 7 Roman emperors. In total there were 178 emperors. There were 81 of the west and 97 of the east.

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Did the Romans go into Wales?

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Roman Abramovich has 7 children

Why don’t we use Roman numerals always?

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