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The crusades lasted over 2 centuries.

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Q: How long were the crusades?
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What are some questions on the Crusades?

Who were in the Crusades who started the Crusades who fought in the Crusades how long did each Crusade last how long was the longest Crusade

How long was the crusades war?

200 years

How long did Richard the first stay away from England to fight the Crusades?

I'm not sure how long he was away but, durig his reign, he was only in England for 10 months. The rest he was fighting in the crusades

About how long did the crusades last?

from the late 1000s to the mid-1200s

How long ago did the crusades take place?

1000 years

Which occurred 1st the crusades or the plague?

The plague is an older disease, but the first Great Plague occurred in the 14th century in Europe, long after the first crusades.

An important long term result of the crusades in middle ages was the?

Although the crusades didnt accomplish their goal, they sparked intrest in European trade with the Orient.

What was the most important long term of the crusades?

The most important long term effect of the crusades is the increase of religious intolerance. For example, there has been a constant power struggle between the Jews, Catholics, and Muslims over the birth place of their religions; Jerusalem. Because of a lack of religious intolerance, that not only fueled but seemed to justify the fighting that went on during the crusades, after the crusades, and even in modern times.

In Europe. A long term effect of the crusades was?

An increased demand for goods from the east.

How long did all the crusades last in total?

from the late 1000s to the mid-1200s

Why did the crusades take so long?

The crusades took so long because there were eight spread out over time. On average, they each took only about three years. They took much time to prepare for and were called on by different popes.

What was the goal of crusades?

There are two types of crusades: the political crusades and the religious crusades. The crusades are used to win new converts and inform. Political crusades are usually used for power and fame.