Depending on the millennium, it can be 365,242 days or 365,243 days long. The current millennium (3rd millennium CE) is 365,242 days.
one thoudand years
millennium puzzle/pendant yugi the millennium eye pegasus the millennium ring bakura the millennium scale shadi the millennium key shadi the millennium touqe/necklace ishisu the millennium rod marik
2nd millennium
in some thoerys millennium wasnt real well if u believe in the bible it doesnt cuz its only 2008 ac but to answer your question a milleium is like 10000 years so a tenth millennium is like 100000 years ago
A millennium is 1,000 years for example 2000 is the year of a new millennium
the millennium rod is one foot and three inches long
The Millennium Bridge in London is 325 meters long and 4 meters wide.
Depending on the millennium, it can be 365,242 days or 365,243 days long. The current millennium (3rd millennium CE) is 365,242 days.
An actual Millennium year is always a leap year, so it is 366 days.
The Millennium Clock.
100 millennium
23.25555 miles long
one thoudand years
The Millenium Stadium is IN Cardiff!!
around about a millennium or something like that
A millennium is a period of one thousand years.