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Historians of today and those of the past base their writings on many factors, one unfortunately is a bias they may or may not be aware of. One thing is a certainty, all historians have a cultural background that differs in many ways from one another. Clearly there will be different views of various past events depending on a variety of factors. Historians of today's Russia will have different views of the history of the Soviet Union, depending upon their political bias or lack of them. The ordinary person, one without a political or cultural bias will now as in the past, believe the "history" that best suits themselves.

Of course, there is no consensus of how people of any particular period of time, viewed history. There are too many variables, too many different peoples, too many different time periods. What is clear today as it has always been, historians have written different versions of the same periods of time and events.

There can be no proven way to determine if recent historians have changed the way people view history. This is true if only based on intellectual thought. There can be no "proof" for lack of a better term that anything has changed because the historians of today have the same views, accurate or inaccurate today as in the past. Any historian or student of history will agree to that,.

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Q: How have recent historians changed the way people view history?
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Why is traditional history about the European exploration at times incomplete?

Earlier historians tended to celebrate the heroic achievements of Renaissance explorers. In recent years, scholars have instead portrayed the exploration as cruelty, environmental destruction, and the inability of cultures to communicate.

What two time periods is history divided into?

B.C. And A.D. B.C. numbers count backwards (with 1 B.C. being more recent than 50 B.C.) right now we are in A.D. which obviously counts forwards

What is the best way to not save history?

The best way is to make another tab. Or, put in the URL "about:tabs" 1. Once you're there, scroll down. 2. Click "InPrivate Browsing". This will save no history and the internet is unable to save anything from cookies to history. This way for you people out there, you do not have to keep clicking 'x' when you clear history. (Not entirely sure if this will work on websites such as Youtube when you check out your history.) 3.You're done! To make sure that you're in "InPrivate Browing" there will be a small blue box next to the URL in the top left corner of the screen that will say "InPrivate". I have used this only once, but i'm sure that you know you will use it many times. Another way (google chrome) 1. Go to your google chrome brower and drag it to the bar where it shows time, the start button, etc. 2. Right click the browser. You should see the websites you've recently been to (right click and click 'delete' or 'clear' [whatever it says] to delete the recent activity). Below the recent websites, you should see 'New window' and 'New incognito window'. Click the 'New incognito window', and the internet should be pulled up. 3. There should be a white box explaining what the incognito window will do and warnings. It just tells you what you should be aware of. Other than that, the internet should act normally, except it does not save history. If you look at the tabs there should be a grey agent-like man with a top hat and glasses. This is a sign that you are in the incognito window in case you forget. Now do your secret business and have fun!

Today it is common to think of the Western canon as it stood in the 19th and early 20th centuries as narrow because most of the works?

in the canon were written by white, male authors. This limited perspective excluded the voices and experiences of women, people of color, and other marginalized groups. This narrow view of the canon has been challenged and expanded in recent years to include a more diverse range of voices and perspectives in literature and art.

Why is it incorrect to refer to the Middle ages as the Dark ages?

The expression 'Dark Ages' relates to the period c. 450-750 (or slightly later) in Western and Northern Europe. It is called by this name because there are very few written records of events from this time, and as a result modern knowledge of this period is rather limited. However in Byzantium, Roman civilization continued in this period and there are plenty of written records. In recent decades professional historians have tended to avoid the term as it is often taken to mean that all kinds of terrible things happened then. From about 800 onwards literacy, architecture and the arts revived and expanded - and led into the Middle Ages. Please note that the dates given are very approximate.

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Where was strep throat founded?

This question can not be answered since medical records/history are modern and for many centuries no records were kept. It is only in recent history that man has started to understand bacteria and viruses. Even today when a new virus shows up it takes time to understand it and find a cure. Historians can only guess what people died of and where.

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This question can not be answered since medical records/history are modern and for many centuries no records were kept. It is only in recent history that man has started to understand bacteria and viruses. Even today when a new virus shows up it takes time to understand it and find a cure. Historians can only guess what people died of and where.

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HISTORY-comes from the word "historia"-the discovery, collection, organization and presentation of information about recent and past events.ELEMENTS OF HISTORY:1.Historians-people who investigate about history2.Sources of History-based on materials and documentsa.) primary source-testimoniesb.)secondary source-copy of past eventsc.)written-documents, books and write-upsd.)unwritten-fossils, remains, artifacts, language.. etc.....IMPORTANCE OF HISTORY> for knowledge- to learn>skill[s]- investigate, experiment and research>attitude - appreciation and respect

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