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the main difference is reliability, written history generally is recorded closer to the event

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Q: How does oral history differ from written history?
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How does oral tradition differ from a written source?

history is normally written down and oral tradition isn't.

Is oral history written down?

Oral means spoken, so no. But it can be written down later, at which time it is written history, not oral history.

How might oral history differ from written history?

It can be changed as it's told from one person to another. Like the telephone rarely ends the way it started.

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Mary M. Flekke has written: 'Oral history' -- subject(s): Bibliography, History, Sources, Oral history

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Manfred J. Waserman has written: 'Bibliography on oral history' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Oral history

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Shona Kennealy has written: 'Oral histories of Wanneroo Wetlands' -- subject(s): Wetlands, Oral history, History

How does oral tradition differ from written source?

Oral tradition is information passed down through generations by word of mouth, while written sources are recorded information in written form. Oral tradition tends to be more fluid and changeable, influenced by the storyteller, while written sources are usually more fixed and can be referenced repeatedly. Written sources allow for greater precision and detail, while oral tradition relies on memory and interpretation.

History that is spoken not written?

That is called oral tradition.

What has the author Robert Perks written?

Robert Perks has written: 'The oral history reader'