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Q: How do you say how did this happen in french?
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How do you say it will happen in french?

il arrivera

How do you say to happen in French?

To happen is "arriver" or "se passer" in French. Other verbs like "survenir" or "se produire" could be used (much less frequently).

How do you say in french lets make this happen'?

laisse faire ceci se produire

How do you say D'Aries in French?

I happen to be a D'Aries my self. I am Italian and so is the name, not French. But if pronounced in French D'Aries would be pronounced (D-Aer-e) D air e.

How do you say when will it happen in french?

Quand arrivera-t-il? Or, alternatively Quand est-ce que ce arrivera?

Do Heatwaves usually happen in Northern Ireland?

They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.They do happen sometimes, but to say the "usually" happen wouldn't be true.

How do you say 'say' in french?

to say is the verb 'dire' in French.

How do you say French assignment in French?

To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."

How do say 'she' in French?

In French, to say 'she' , you say:Elleeg. elle s'appelle comment?In French, to say 'he', you say:Il

How do you say i love French in French?

You say "j'aime le français" to say "I love French" in French.

How do you say Ouch in French?

"Ouch" in French is "Aïe".

How do you say we will in French?

You can say "we will" in French by using the phrase "nous allons."