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Q: How did the urban nobility come to be in the renaissance?
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What are the three estates of renaissance society?

The clergy, the nobility, and the peasants.

What did the nobility do to their castles during Renaissance times?

smoked opium and had swinger parties

How were medieval and renaissance noble different?

The Renaissance nobles lived in cities and were active in trade, banking, and public life. This shows that the Renaissance nobles were smarter than the medieval nobles

What were three estates into which Renaissance society was divided?

The nobility, middle class, and peasants or lower class.

Urban nobility in Italy blended what groups by marriage?

Wealthy merchants and old nobles.

What were the concerns of the nobility during the Renaissance?

Nobility during the Renaissance were concerned with maintaining their oligarchy, and holding off those who would usurp their power. The Council of Ten often worked to suppress power plays from upstarts. Nobility believed there should be equality within their class, and would take harsh steps to slap down any who tried to deviate from that viewpoint.

Who were not major supporters of artists during the Renaissance?

The major supporters were churches, convents, nobility, rich people. The rest were not.

Was the renaissance primarily an urban movement?

boo ye dumoes blabla

Is Venice home of Renaissance artists?

Florence is more typically known as the center of Renaissance art. It was in Florence that the rapidly-expanding wool trade strengthened the city's economy to such a degree that a whole new class of nobility, headed by the Medici family, was born. This new class of nobility had the money and leisure to sponsor some of the greatest works of Renaissance art. Without Florence, the Italian Renaissance would have been extremely different, and perhaps never happened at all.

What has the author BE Dinoff written?

B.E Dinoff has written: 'The renaissance of the urban waterfront'

What has the author Alison Lowe written?

Alison Lowe has written: 'Urban renaissance'

Why was drawing on paper rarely done in the Renaissance?

Beacause parchment was cheaper, tougher, and more easily acessable to the nobility and commeners alike.