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The Renaissance emerged when the Middle Ages came to a close in Italy. There were many new kinds of art, music, and literature that came out during the period.

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Q: How did the renaissance emerge?
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Why are musical instructions and terms in Italaian?

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What factors led to the beginning of the Renaissance in northern Europe?

The main factors are centered around the crisis that Europe experienced. This was the Black Death. Additionally, the development of trade increased. The urban of cities of Northern Italy allowed for the Renaissance to emerge. Furthermore, the idea of individualism and the power and stress over excellence and competition resulted in the development and the spread of the Renaissance.

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"Emerge" is a verb.

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The past tense of emerge is emerged.

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what does emerge mean

What is a syonym for emerge?

One synonym for emerge is "appear."

When did capilalsm emerge?

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A sentence using the word emerge?

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Put the word emerge in a sentence?

A chick will emerge from the egg.

Meaning of emerge?

Emerge is moving in or out of way and to come into sight.

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The larvae emerge as caterpillars.