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Q: How did the peace of westphalia lay the foundations of modern europe?
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How did the peace of Westphalia lay foundations of modern Europe?

I have no idea but i need help too. I don't understand this question.

What event marked the birth of the modern international system?

Peace of Westphalia

What is the great importance of the Peace of Westphalia?

It was one of the first European Agreements that dealt with the issue of freedom of religion by allowing minority religions the right to retain and to practice their faith.In many ways it laid the foundations for the modern concept of a "state", by establishing for the first time such concepts as sovereignty.The term Peace of Westphalia, referring to the two peace treaties of Osnabrück and Münster, signed on May 15 and October 24 of 1648 respectively

What was the Peace of Westphalia?

The Peace of Westphalia was a treaty agreement between Spain and the Dutch in 1648. This agreement put an end to the Thirty Years' War. The peace of Westphalia is recognized to be the beginning of modern international relations based on the recognition of state sovereignty. Westphalia recognized sovereignty of Netherlands and German states which meant that Europe would not unite under an emperor. This also meant the decline for the Habsburg monarchy and papal authority who enjoyed support from Phillip II of Spain.

Result of the Peace of Westphalia?

did the peace of Augsburg and the peace of Westphalia allow for religious freedom

What ended the Thirty Years' War?

Treaty of Westphalia also known as the "Peace Of Westphalia"

How did the peace of westphalia lay the foundations?

• weakened the Hapsburg states of Spain and Austria; • strengthened France by awarding it German territory; • made German princes independent of the Holy Roman emperor; • ended religious wars in Europe; • introduced a new method of peace negotiation whereby all participants meet to settle the problems of a war and decide the terms of peace. This method is still used today

How did the peace of Westphalia change Europe?

It created today's modern state system and the principe of sovereignty. It also gave the 300 german nations that made up the Holy Roman Empire power to handle their own diplomatic affairs.

How did the Peace of Westphalia affect the pope?

Historians generally agree that the Peace of Westphalia weakened the Holy Roman Empire and strengthened the various princes. Moreover, the Netherlands and Switzerland were removed from the Empire. It is sometimes said, especially by some political theorists in the U.S., that the modern concept of sovereignty arose from the Peace, but this an exaggeration and simplification.

Where was the Peace of Westphalia signed?


When was the treaty of Westphalia signed?

The Treaty of Westphalia was signed in 1648. It marked the end of the Thirty Years' War in Europe and established the principle of state sovereignty, laying the foundation for the modern system of nation-states.

What is the biggest losers in the peace of Westphalia were the?
