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Both Ivan the 3rd and Ivan the 5th began the expansion and consolidation on Russia by making a strong army. This was in modern English.

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Q: How did Ivan the III and Ivan the IV begin the expansion and consolidation of Russia?
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Did Ivan the terrible do good?

nope yes he did he added land to Russia

Who was the first ruler of a unified Russia?

The grand duke of Moscow, Ivan IV (nicknamed 'the Terrible'), who declared himself the Tzar (emperor) of all Russia.

What was Russia's connection with the eastern Roman Empire?

One connection between the Eastern Roman Empire (which historians also call Byzantine Empire) and Russia was the conversion of Russia to Orthodox Christianity (the religion of the Byzantine Empire) by Byzantine missionaries. This religion became Russia's religion in 989. The other connection was royal marriage. Soon after the fall of the Byzantine Empire and the capture of its capital, Constantinople, by the Ottoman Turks, Ivan III of Russia, who had married Sophia Paleologue, a niece of Constantine XI, the last Byzantine emperor, claimed that he was the heir of the fallen Empire. The Russians also saw themselves as the upholders of the religion of the Byzantine Empire, which had been taken over by the Muslim Turks. In 1501 a Russian monk, Filofey, wrote an ode to Ivan's successor, Vasili III, in which he said that: "Two Romes have fallen [Rome and Constantinople]. The third stands. And there will be no fourth. No one shall replace your Christian Tsardom!" The Russians called Russia the "Third Rome."

When did Ivan the Terrible die?

Ivan the Terrible died March 28th, 1584. from a stroke while playing chess with Bogdan Belsky, a Russian statesman.

Who killed Ivan the great and who killed Ivan the terrible?

No one killed them. They both died while playing chess except the terrible died with a stroke.

Related questions

How did Ivan the Great make further Russian expansion possible in the 1500's?

Ivan III (the Great) freed Russia from Tartar control, thereby allowing the money previously paid to the Tartars to be redirected into expansion and building.

How did Ivan the Great die?

Ivan the Great, also known as Ivan III of Russia, died in 1505 from a natural illness at the age of 65. He ruled as the Grand Prince of Moscow and played a significant role in the consolidation of the Russian lands.

When did the Russian Empire begin?

Probably from 1480, when Ivan III (Ivan the Great) threw off Mongol rule and made Russia independent: he had imperial ideas, and his son was Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) who greatly enlarged it.

What is Ivan the terribles goals for Russia?

The goals of Ivan the terrible are he became the absolute ruler of a unified and greatly expanded Russian empire, with Moscow as its center. He also plans for westward expansion into Lithuania and Battle Region.

When was Ivan III of Russia born?

Ivan III of Russia was born on January 22, 1440.

What is Ivan II of Russia's birthday?

Ivan II of Russia was born on March 30, 1326.

When was Ivan II of Russia born?

Ivan II of Russia was born on March 30, 1326.

Who was the first ruler of unified Russia?

Ivan IV, the terrible, of Russia ^Wrong. It was Ivan III.

When was Ivan V of Russia born?

Ivan V of Russia was born on 1666-08-27.

When did Ivan VI of Russia die?

Ivan VI of Russia died on 1764-07-16.

When was Ivan VI of Russia born?

Ivan VI of Russia was born on 1740-08-23.

What is Ivan III of Russia's birthday?

Ivan III of Russia was born on January 22, 1440.