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He who controls the past controls the future is a very famous quote. The quote means that having information about the past can easily help you in predicting the future.

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In the sense that this was written in the book 1984, it means that if the past is manipulated by changing the record, and the use of Propaganda , people would not know the truth and could be exploited by their ignorance

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What page is What page is he who controls the past controls the future Who controls the present controls the past on?

The quote "He who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past" is found on page 32 of George Orwell's novel "1984."

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i am sure, that the mean of this quotation is "if u remember your past experiences, all mistake and promise with you not repeat again so it is a surety of that your future must be bright

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Ingsoc's motto is 'Who controls the past controls the future'.

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There is a past, present, and future. There was a past; there is a present and there will be a future.

What does the quote he who controls the present controls the past he who controls the past controls the future mean?

While that is a great Santayana quote, and very wise parable in it's own right, that is totally separate from what Orwell is saying here. What Orwell means is that history is written, re-written, and even completely changed at will by those currently in power. By being powerful (and it is implied, corrupt) enough to change history, you can control and manipulate the public as you see fit, motivating them to do as you will, thereby controlling the future.

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Past - was Present - is Future - will be

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are and was

What famous quote can be found in the novel 1984 by George Orwell?

One famous quote from "1984" by George Orwell is "Big Brother is watching you." This phrase is a slogan of the Party that rules Oceania, emphasizing the pervasive surveillance and control over its citizens.

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Out of the Past into the Future was created in 1992.

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yes because if you get the past then you will understand the future

Theoretically if you go to the past in the future then your future lies in the past This is a picture of you in the future in the past?

The quote is from the movie Kate and Leopold.

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Past: bit Present: bite Future: will bite