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Your rights can't interfere with anyone else's rights

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Q: Figurative expression my right to extend my arm ends at your nose means what?
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How do you expand a expression?

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Binomial sometimes can extend to get the right results or correct order

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It means that the number or expression on the left of the symbol is less that the value or expression to the right, or that they are equal.

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"Right on" is an expression of agreement. If you wanted to concur with a statement made by another, voice your total and complete agreement with what they said, you might utter "Right on!".

What are some examples of Idiomatic expression with literal meaning?

You don't need help - LITERAL means that whatever the words say is what the phrase means. "Raining cats and dogs" would mean that cats and dogs fell out of the sky.If you want IDIOMATIC or FIGURATIVE meanings, click on the related question.

Rome was not built in a day?

This expression means that to take your time, and things can not be right if you hurry and go too fast.

What is the meaning of the idiomatic expression 'on the dot'?

doting the i's and crossing the t's - making sure everything about a job is finished correctly. on the dot

Why does the wind blow right then left?

Whether the wind blows left or right----figurative speech

My right to extend my arm ends at your nose?

you can extend your right's all you want unless it interferes with someone else's rights

How do you head kick on toribash?

My favorite... Engage distance=200 Hold all Extend left glute Extend left pecs Contract right pecs Raise right shoulder Relax right knee Extend right hip Left rotate chest Extend right ankle Run 30 frames Contract right hip Run 20 frames Extend right glute Contract right knee Shift space 4 times Extend right knee. Alternate... Engage distance, Still 200 Relax all Raise both shoulders Extend both hips Contract both knees Extend both ankles Run 60 frames Extend both knees. Body breaker... Engage distance=170 Hold all Extend both hips Contract both ankles Extend both ankles Run 50 frames Contract both pecs Raise both shoulders Run 50 frames Extend abs Extend both knees Contract both ankles I have a running tut but to get it, PM buck_tugidson. that is me in

What does faeta mean in spanish?

A musical note: F. In the expression "en fa", it means right away, at once.