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European knights were urged to join the Crusades by Pope Urban II. They were to rout the Muslims and free the holy city of Jerusalem as well as protect the Holy Roman Empire at Byzantium in 1095. The reward was forgiveness for all of their sins.

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Q: European knights were urged to join the crusades?
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European knights were urged to join Crusades by?

The Pope.

European knights were urged to join the Crusades by .?

Pope Innocent III

What is the name of the pope that urged people to join the crusades?

The name of the pope that urged people to join the crusades was Pope Urban II.

Who urged European knights to join the Crusades?

After a plea for help from the Byzantine Emperor against invading Muslim forces, Pope Urban II called upon the European knights to go rescue Constantinople from Muslim takeover and defend the holy city of Jerusalem. In exchange, the knights were promised forgiveness of all of their past sins.

Why did knights join the crusade?

Some knights went on the crusades to bring back wealth. Some went as part of a quest, or as part or a religious pilgrimage.

What did Urban say to persuade people who join the crusades?

Urban II urged people to join the crusades by emphasizing the religious importance of reclaiming the Holy Land from Muslim control. He promised forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation for those who participated in the holy war. Additionally, he highlighted the opportunity to gain wealth, land, and glory in the conquest of Jerusalem.

What to do when you want to join the crusades?

the crusades are over so their wouldn't be much point in that

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Christians were promised all of the following except. to get them to join the crusades?

Christians were promised a number of things to make them join the crusades including forgiveness and a spot in heaven.

Why Europeans were eager to join the Crusades?

European Crusaders believed that they were doing an important service for the Christian religion. Crusades were officially declared by the Pope, and all loyal Christians felt a religious obligation to serve what they believed to be a holy cause.

How can you join the Knights of the Golden Circle?

Well I don't know about them but you can join the Knights of the Golden Circle Research and Archive forum on Yahoo Groups.

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the zimmerman telegram