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Q: Did towns spring up as a result of the Crusades?
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Towns sprang up as a result of the growth of trade encouraged by the Crusades?

True; yes they did.

How did the crusades contribute to the end of the feudal period?

It cost a lot of money to the kings and queens that were running the crusades, and castles took a decline from all the sieges. It also caused towns to spring up and vassals, serfs and freeman alike ran to the towns, giving the lords the need to hire mercenary armies.

What was an indirect result of the Crusades?

discovery of the new worldOne indirect result of the Crusades was that the feudal system was not as strong as it had been. Another indirect result was that trade and commerce picked up.

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If the spring is relatively permanent, an oasis may grow up around it.

When South Americans buy products in their home towns very often the prices keep going up What is this the result of?

The prices of products continuously going up is the result of inflation.

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large corporations buying up smaller radio stations.

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Because large corporations made most radio stations use similar

What happened to puritan towns that did not set up required schools?

The towns were fined

What happened to Puritan towns that did not set up the required schools?

The towns were fined

Why did Peasants and nobles moved from manors to towns?

Nobles didn’t move to towns, but towns built up around the castles and manors.

What does spring the season have in common with spring the verb?

Flowers 'spring' up.

What pops up in spring?

What pops up in spring is flowers, animals stop hibernating,