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Charlemagne was born into a family long rooted in royalty. He was a descent of the Merovingian Dynasty, the Frank and Austrasia Kings. Charlemagne's rise to power was nothing short of being born out of hereditary entitlement. The Answer is NO!

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Q: Did Charlemagne come from a non- royal lineage?
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Was Kublai Khan a good or bad influence?

he was just as bad as his father was (ghengis khan). the whole world was afraid of them. if a mongol soldier were to come across someone that was not a mongol, the non-mongol would obey or run for their lives.

How are western and non western childbirth practices alike or different?

How are western and non western childbirth alike and different

Which emperor declared an end to all attacks on christians?

Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.Constantine declared an end to the attacks on Christians as well as on non-Christians. He made all religions legal.

What are non western patterns?

A non western pattern is a pattern of randomness pretty much. They are in the continents of: Asia Africa South america and Islamic places. They are sometimes tribal. Hope this helps x

What group was most interested in bringing civilization to non- Western people?


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What evidence does Eginhard offer to show the good proportions of Charlemagnes body?

Eginhard, in his "Life of Charlemagne," offers evidence such as Charlemagne's height (around 6 feet 4 inches tall) and describing how well-proportioned Charlemagne's body was in terms of physical stature and appearance. Eginhard also notes Charlemagne's strength and athleticism as further evidence of his good proportions.

What non-Christian tribe of central Germany did Charlemagne attack in 772?

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Which country does non come from?

Non is French for no.

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2 unidentified, non-royal mummies.