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Q: Checked European colonization and intervention in Western Hemisphere affairs?
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What class would a yeoman be in?

Here is my understanding: It depends on the century, but generally speaking Yeoman are middle class landowners who do not have tennants. They may have owned between 300 and 1000 acres. Those who did much of the labor themselves may have been looked on by upper middle class landowners- those with tennents and between 1000 and 3000 acres- as privilaiged members of the working class (rather than the middle class) because of the type of labor they performed. Wealthier Yeoman could afford to higher laborors to do most of this work, and were probably regarded as respectable by the gentry and enviable by the working classes. They may have typified middle class English identity in the countryside. It is worth noting, however, that I stumbled on this question because I have been trying to come up with a satisfactory answer to this question myself and all of the above claims should be checked with further research.

What century is 1921?

In the common calendar centuries are calculated from the year 1. There was NO year zero ion the common calendar, which confuses a lot of people. That means the first century lasted from 1 to 100, the second from 101 to 200, and so on. Following that pattern the century number can be calculated as follows: 1. Determine the starting year of the century. Regardless of a lot of misinformation out there, centuries ALWAYS start with the "1" year, so 1921 is in the century starting with 1901. 2. Remove the last 2 digits ('01') : 1901 -> 19 3. Add 1 to the remaining digit(s) to get the century : 19 + 1 = 20 So, 1921 was in the 20th century. What this means is that the LAST year of a century always ends in '00' and its first 2 digits are different from the rest of the years. That causes all sorts of problems. In fact, there was almost a universal mistake in 2000 because so many people insisted that 2000 was the first year of the 21st century. Scientists and calendar experts kept telling the world that 2000 was actually the LAST year of the TWENTIETH century but hardly anyone listened. Some historians checked old books and newspapers, and found that in 1900, for example, almost everyone knew that the 20th century had to wait until 1901. But then, there weren't radio and TV stations constantly giving out wrong information!

How did the Romans republic the exhibit qualities of 3 forms of government?

The idea of the Republic having qualities of three forms of government came from Polybius' use of the political theory of Greek philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle said that different states had different constitutions (political systems) which were: monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy and democracy. Monarchy was rule by a king, oligarchy was rule by the rich, aristocracy was rule by the excellent (determined by qualities and abilities rather than just wealth) and democracy was rule by the people. Aristotle also talked about what he called a mixed constitution, which combined elements of various kinds of constitutions.Ancient Greek scholar Polybius argued that the Roman Republic was a mixed constitution. He thought the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the city and the army) were like a monarchy, the senate was an aristocracy (its members were not elected and were drafted for among the aristocrats, and the popular assembly (which voted on bills) provided an element of democracy. This created a situation of checks and balances in which the three elements of the constitution checked the power of the others and balanced the weaknesses of the others.Aristotle though that in a single constitution there were dangers that it could degenerate into a 'perverted' constitution: Monarchy could degenerate into tyranny, aristocracy could degenerate into oligarchy (were power was used solely in the interest of the rich, ignoring the plight of the poor) and democracy could degenerate into anarchy. A mixed constitution provided safeguards against these degenerations.It has to be noted that: a) this was an ancient Greek theory, 2) in the case of the Roman Republic, this applied to the whole of the political system and not exclusively to the government which was the annual rule by the two annually elected consuls.

What is the head of the roman religious observances called?

The heads of Roman religious rituals were a variety of priest who officiated different rituals and festivals. The chief priests of Roman state religion was the Pontifex Maximus. Other priests were the Rex Sacrorum (the king of sacrifices) the augures (priests of precticed augury, the divination of the omens of the gods) thee flamines (singular flamen) majores (the flamen Dialis, the priest of Jupiter, the Flamen Martialis, the priest of Mars, and the Flamen Quirinalis, the priest of Quirinus), twelve flamines minores (the priests of archaic deities which then the Romans forgot who they were) the Frates Arvales (Arval brethren, the priests of Dea Dia), the Lupercales (the priests of Faunus) the Vestal Virgins (the priestesses of Vesta), the epulones (priests who organised religious festivals, feasts and banquets at festivals and games. and the curi maxiumi, who were the priests of the districts of the city of Rome

How are city-states governed?

It depends on the government you are talking about. Some may run on the words of a single man, such as a dictatorship. Some may run with two houses and the input of the people ?ælike the United States.

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Lichtenstein is part of Europe, so, last I checked that was in the Northern Hemisphere.

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(ANSWERS CHECKED ON GEOGRAPY.COM) Number 1: Japan Number 2: JaMaMa Number 3: North America Number 4: JaMaMa Number 5: Japan

What the five largest nation in the Western hemisphere?

(ANSWERS CHECKED ON GEOGRAPY.COM) Number 1: Japan Number 2: JaMaMa Number 3: North America Number 4: JaMaMa Number 5: Japan

Which European countries have dependencies in the west?

England, Spain, France, Sweden, and Holly(Dutch). ok, now this is all spell-checked! hope this helps! ovo (^^) hahahaha this is a smartie owl! < <

Can a queen in chess be checked?

No. The queen can't be "checked", only the king can be checked.

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If you suspect something, get them checked. If you get vibration while applying the brakes, get them checked. If you get grinding noise from the brakes, get them checked.

Do you need to go to hospital if you have chipped a bone in your foot?

It depends on the severity of the chip and if it is causing significant pain or mobility issues. It is recommended to seek medical evaluation to determine the appropriate treatment, which may include immobilization, pain management, or possible surgical intervention.

What part of speech is the word checked in please?

The word "checked" can function as either a verb (e.g., "I checked my email") or an adjective (e.g., "a checked bag").

When retrieving a news articles from a website is the url required?

Yes, so it can be checked.

What is correct doubled check or double checked?

The answer is "double-checked"

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The answer is "double-checked"