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Their is more people in the Eastern Hemisphere. And ur welcome! :)

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Q: A change in the Eastern Hemisphere caused by Columbus's expedition?
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Tension between which two blocs caused the Cold War?

Eastern and Western

How did the crusades happen?

The Byzantine emperor Alexius Comnenus wrote a letter to the council of Piacenza in 1095 asking for help to free the christians in Jerusalem from persucation of the Muslims. The pope, Urban II gave permission to kill the infidels (the muslims) at the council of clermont and this caused this mass expedition which followed into the capture of Jerusalem. This first expedition was the bowling ball for all of the other crusades that have followed.

Why did the eastern roman empire fall?

The eastern part of the Roman empire fell in 1453 to the Ottoman Turks who took Constantinople. Prior to this the Eastern Roman Empire had gradually been loosing territory to successive invaders: the Arabs had taken the Middle East south of Turkey and Egypt, the Bulgars, Serbs and Croats had taken the Balkans and the Seljuk Turks had taken a big chunk of Turkey. The Ottoman Turks took over form the Seljuk Turks, completed the conquest of Turkey and dealt the final blow.

What natural disaster struck the roman empire in 366 CE?

No natural disasters occurred in 366. In 365, a massive undersea earthquake near Crete caused a tsunami that hit the coasts of the Eastern Mediterranean. It is estimated that the magnitude of the easthquake was eight or higher, In Crete nearly all towns were destroyed. There was widespread destruction in central and southern Greece, northern Libya, Egypt, Cyprus,and Sicily.

What FOUR reasons why Europeans wanted an all-water route to the Orient?

The Italians had a monopoly on Mediterranean trade. Traders refused to carry silk or cinnamon. They had ships that desperately needed employment. Ottoman Turks had captured Constantinople. Extremely high prices were caused by the difficulty of moving Eastern goods to Europe. Ships traveling water routes could carry more goods.

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What was a change in the Eastern Hemisphere caused by Christopher Columbus?

the hemisphere

What was a change in the eastern hemisphere caused by movement?

they were eating their foods

What is a change in the eastern hemisphere caused by the Columbian exchange?

One change in the Eastern Hemisphere caused by the Columbian Exchange was the introduction of new crops and food items from the Americas, such as maize, potatoes, and tomatoes, which significantly expanded diets and agricultural practices. This exchange also led to the spread of diseases to which indigenous populations in the Eastern Hemisphere had little immunity, resulting in devastating consequences.

What was the change in the eastern hemisphere caused by the columbian exchange?

The Columbian Exchange resulted in an exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technology between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. This led to the introduction of new crops, like maize, potatoes, and tomatoes, in the Eastern Hemisphere, improving agricultural practices and increasing food production. It also transferred diseases like smallpox to the Eastern Hemisphere, causing significant population declines among indigenous communities.

What change in the eastern hemisphere was caused by the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange led to the introduction of new crops and animals to the eastern hemisphere, which resulted in changes in agriculture and diet. It also facilitated the spread of diseases to which indigenous populations had little immunity, leading to devastating effects on their populations.

Describe a change in the Eastern hemisphere caused by the Columbian exchange?

The introduction of new crops such as maize and potatoes from the Americas to the Eastern hemisphere had a transformative impact on agriculture and diets. These crops became staple foods, leading to increased agricultural productivity and population growth in regions like Europe and Asia.

Describe a change in the eastern hemisphere caused by the movement of plants animals people and germs?

The movement of plants, animals, people, and germs in the eastern hemisphere has led to the spread of new agricultural practices, cultural exchange, and the transmission of diseases. This interchange has shaped the diversity and interconnectedness of societies in the region, influencing economies, technologies, and the environment.

Why is it warmer in the summer in the northern hemisphere?

Because during that season, the northern Hemisphere is closer to the sun. This is caused by the earth's axis tilt.

Why the seasons in the northern hemisphere different from the Southern Hemisphere?

This is caused by the difference in position of the earth's tilt to the sun. When the northern hemisphere is tilting towards the sun (summer), the Southern Hemisphere is tilting away from it (winter) and vice-versa.

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In the Northern Hemisphere, cyclones rotate counterclockwise due to the Coriolis effect, caused by the rotation of the Earth. In the Southern Hemisphere, cyclones rotate clockwise.

Describe a change in the eastern hemisphere caused by Columbus movement?

Columbus' movement led to increased European exploration and colonization in the Americas, which ultimately resulted in the exchange of goods, ideas, and diseases between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. This exchange, known as the Columbian Exchange, had long-lasting impacts on both hemispheres, shaping economies, cultures, and populations.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark began an expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory in 1804. This expedition caused which of the following?

the production of the first accurate maps of the Northwest