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Q: Where continent has been largely bypassed by globalization during during the past three decades?
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Continent once largely covered by glaciers?

africa Actually, all of them.

What is the main kind of vegetation in the Antarctic?

The flora of the continent largely consists of bryophytes.

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What is the most untouched land on earth?

There is no completely untouched land on Earth, however, the continent of Antarctica remains largely untouched, and it is the most untouched land on Earth.

Which continent has more land than Europe or Asia?

Antarctica has more land area than Europe or Asia. It is the fifth largest continent and is largely covered by ice.

To which continent are lemurs native?

Lemurs are largely native to the continent of Africa. More specifically, most of this animal's species can be found on the island of Madagascar, which is adjacent to the southeastern portion of the continent.

The tremendously rapid growth of American cities in the post-Civil War decades was?

The tremendously rapid growth of American cities in the post-Civil War decades was largely due to immigration. Immigrants from Europe began flooding American shores after the Civil War.

Which continent is Lake Superior Lake Huron and Lake Michigan located on?

Superior, Huron, Erie, Michigan and Ontario are referred to as the Great Lakes. They are largely located on the borders of the US and Canada, on the North American continent.

Which continent has the lowest population density?

Antarctica has the lowest population density of any continent, as it is largely covered in ice and uninhabitable for humans.