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Q: What was the era immediately following the death of Alexander and before the rise of Rome?
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The period following Alexander the Great's death is known as what?

The period following Alexander the Great's death is known as the Hellenistic Age. This age lasted for about three centuries.

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Alexander conquered Egypt, Macedonia, and the Persian Empire.

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I think Alexander the Great ruled before Cleopatra (Is that what you meant) was even living.

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As a painter and as an inventor.

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No they have no power before death. They have no power after death until the letters of authority are issued.

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Before his death in 1955, F.M. Alexander formed the Society for Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) in London, England.

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Seleucid kings. Sources: My world history book :)

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ask ya mum\dad lol

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Alexander's father was named King Phillip II of Macedonia.

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1963, immediately following the death of President Kennedy.