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The British Empire, its American colonies, France as an ally of the colonials and German troops ('Hessians') who fought for the British.

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Q: What countries were included in the American revolutionary war?
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What countries did the American's fight against during the Revolutionary War?

England/Great Britain

When did American Revolutionary War happen?

American Revolutionary War happened on 1775-04-19.

What other countries were included in the Spanish-American War?

Only Spain and the US were involved.

What countries were neutral in the Revolutionary War?

Someone who did not support either side in the Revolutionary War

What were all of the battles in the American Revolutionary War?

There were four major battles that included Trenton, Yorktown, New York , and the Battle of Saratoga.

Related questions

What countries fought the revolutionary war on American soil?

british and American

How did the American Civil War differ from the Revolutionary War?

The main difference between the American Civil War and the American Revolutionary War was that the Revolutionary War was fought between the British Empire and the American Colonies, the latter of which declared independence; and the "Civil War" was fought between the United States, and the Confederated States of America--two separate and distinct countries. So, in actuality, the "Civil War" was not a civil war, since it was a war between to countries.

What countries did the American's fight against during the Revolutionary War?

England/Great Britain

What five states were not involved in the revolutionary war?

gernmantown brandywire monmouth court house trenton

Why was it the American Revolutionary war?

because the American colonists gained independence from the British. other countries also had revolutionary wars to gain independence such as Mexico, Ghana, and Cameroon.

During the Revolutionary War the American colonists relied on the help of what two countries?

frane and spain

Website about the Revolutionary War About the revolutionary All the caused for the Revolutionary War Cause of Revolutionary War Causes of American Revolutionary War Causes of Revolutionary War Causes?


What was another name for the American revolutionary war?

The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) is also known as the American War of Independence.

What other countries were included in the Spanish-American War?

Only Spain and the US were involved.

When did American Revolutionary War happen?

American Revolutionary War happened on 1775-04-19.

When did Spain in the American Revolutionary War happen?

Spain in the American Revolutionary War happened in 1781.

What were all of the battles in the American Revolutionary War?

There were four major battles that included Trenton, Yorktown, New York , and the Battle of Saratoga.