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Q: How did desegregation speech change America?
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Desegregation is also known as racial integration.

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How do you change direct speech to indirect speech of pronouns?

To change direct speech to indirect speech for pronouns, you generally need to replace the pronouns with their corresponding indirect or reported speech pronouns. For example, 'I' in direct speech would change to 'he' or 'she' in indirect speech depending on the gender. Ensure that the pronouns match the subject of the reported speech and maintain the correct tense and meaning of the original statement.

What kind of speech tries to change the attitude of the listener?

A persuasive speech tries to change the attitude of the listener.

Where did desegregation occur in the us?

After the law was passed for there to be no segregation in schools is required and desegregation was happening almost everywhere in the U.S.

Is desegregation necessary?

Desegregation is necessary because if you keep people apart then they will not communicate at all and also it is very bad

What is the difference between desegregation and integration?

Desegregation refers to the ending of separation of two entities or groups. Integration, on the other hand, is a result of desegregation and refers to the acceptance of an entity or group by a different entity or group.

What is the ninth part of speech?

In America it is quite common to treat articles (the, a, an) as a part of speech.

Do you have freedom of speech?

If you live in America, yes.

Is there free speech in america anymore?

actually no

What are some freedoms in America?

Freedom of speech