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Yes, he did kill people that didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes. And many others too.


There's a myth circulating that anyone without fair hair and blue eyes was in danger of death in Nazi Germany and Nazi-occupied countries. The key questions were: Jewish or not Jewish? 'Gyspsy' or not 'Gypsy'? If you were a blonde Jew you were (just about) as likely to be exterminated as Jews would looked like the Nazi stereotype of a Jew. Bear in mind that only a minority of Europeans have fair hair ...

Oh, and by the way: take a look at the Nazi leadership, starting with the grotesque little man himself. They nearly all had dark hair and brown eyes.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Yes. Many. For example, the Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, had brown (or almost black) eyes.

Although not a Nazi, Eva Braun, Hitler's girlfriend, also had brown eyes.

Many Germans---though not Nazis---have brown eyes.

The blonde hair and blue eye "thing" was a concept developed by Heinrich Himmler, SS Chief, to colonize parts of the globe. In fact, it was really blonde hair and blue eyed women that were to be sent to the colonies. Think of it as more of an ideal for these crazed, wacko colonies than a . . . standard or requirement.

The really strange irony is that I do not think Himmler had blonde hair. Nevertheless, it was this ideal thing they wanted for colonizing the world with these master race families. Frankly, it is quite silly, immature, and childish.

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13y ago

no, that is a myth . Hitler killed all the Jews , wether they had brown, red, blonde hair etc.

hes ideal world would be German, blonde hair blue eyed people.. hes a retard anyways.,

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15y ago

No. They killed Jewish people, homosexuals, gypsies, handicapped people along with others. Brunette Germans were not attacked in particular.

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3y ago

Yes. Many Poles and Russians were killed by German forces during World War II, and many Poles and Russians have blond hair and blue eyes. In addition, the Nazis killed numerous Germans who opposed them, including many with what might be called perfectly Aryan features.

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What kind of Germans did Hitler want?

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Who were the perfect people according to Adolf Hitler?

Hitler considered people with Blonde hair, blue eyes and German were perfect. But he dident kill any Germans unless they were Jewish. But Hitler himself was none of the above, he had brown hair, green or brown eyes and was intact not German but polish or Austrian. Hope I helped :D

Did Hitler have blue eyes.?

No, he had brown eyes.

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He had blue eyes.Hitler's Eye ColorHitler's eyes were blue.People were captivated by his big steely blue eyes. Oh, I thought they were brown. Ok.

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First of all, Hitler's grandma was a Jew. Secondly, the "Master Race" had blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler had brown hair and brown eyes.

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Hitler did not choose blue eyed people for the master race. That is simply a stereotype of Germans. It is simply because many Aryans at that time had blue eyes. Hitler himself had brown eyes.

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Some common physical features of Germans include fair skin, light-colored hair (such as blonde or light brown), and blue or green eyes. Germans are typically tall with a sturdy build.

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brown hair, brown eyes, and if you were a Jew

Can Germans have brown eyes?

Yes, Germans can have brown eyes. In the past, many Germans were known for their blond hair and blue eyes. In recent times, German people have married people of many colors and ethnicities and so have many different skin and eye colors.

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yes, he did. he thought that it was the pure "German race" he thought that all Germans should have these features. which would never happen. i have blonde hair and blue eyes, and am German, but very few people are actually like that. Well! that is purely crazy, im blonde and im half polish!

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Adolf Hitler's personal information Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Brown Complexion: Pale Height: 175cm Birthday: April 20, 1889, Holy Saturday Constellation: Taurus

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