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War and peace are to opposite words but sometimes the formal one preceded the later.

in short term peace can be attained by war but in long term it doesn't sustain this is the culture of India where war isn't d necessary for maintain peace.

In today's world there are a number of terrorist groups remain in this country. War is not the long term strategy against them because they are our people. we have to understand their mind & need.

For the case of Pakistan war is not the perfect solution because the bone of contention is Kashmir which should be solved by the people of Kashmir.

India & Pakistan should understand the feelings of Kashmiris. the priority should b given to them.

for the case of Iraq. The war can't attain the peace. it produces more bloodshed

so let us take d path of Gandhiji who is the pathfinder of peace.

War is not a solution of any kind of problem. it is more to show our anger than to find a solution. No war has ever helped in attaining peace rather it always reduces the possibility of peace. Forcing war on someone is easy but forcing peace is impossible.

We can take example of USA which is trying to force peace in many parts of the world by waging war against them be it Africa, Middle East, Europe or Korea and Vietnam in the past and there is not a single place where it has succeeded in bringing peace instead Americans have created mess everywhere. Those places after the war have become more unstable then before. I am also not averse to wars, but I don't believe it helps in attaining peace or finding a solution of a problem.

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It is related because medicines have cures and cures are the topic of Science Peace out send me more

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by the participants. The resolution is a statement that presents the topic or issue being discussed, and the participants must take a stance either in favor (supporting) or against (opposing) it. This allows for a structured and focused debate where arguments can be presented and defended on both sides.

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# The act or process of formally admitting a person to membership or office:,,,,, # The act or process of bringing or being brought into existence:,,,,,,,,,, Informal: kickoff.

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