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Q: You tend to steer clear of situations that may lead to conflict?
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Goals that are very clear or easy to specify usually produce more conflict?

When goals are very clear or easy to specify, there may be increased conflict because people may have differing opinions on the best methods to achieve the goal. Clarity can sometimes lead to rigidity in approaches, causing disagreements on how to proceed. Additionally, when goals are clearly defined, individuals may feel more pressure to meet expectations, which can lead to conflict if there are obstacles in the way.

What is the significance of the?

Mob rule led to control by the masses. This could lead to the attack of minorities. Anythimg that went against the overall beliefs of the mob was attacked. This anarchist method lead to much conflict in situations were the people opposed the government.

What is the significance of the mobocracy?

Mob rule led to control by the masses. This could lead to the attack of minorities. Anythimg that went against the overall beliefs of the mob was attacked. This anarchist method lead to much conflict in situations were the people opposed the government.

How do you use steer in a sentence?

Steer:noun: an ox less than four years old; a male domestic ox castrated before sexual maturity and especially one raised for beef.verb: to direct the course or the course of; to follow a course of action; to be guided.Example sentences:Effective advisers steer their students toward the professors that are the best teachers, and toward the courses that will lead to the best job offers upon graduation.I try to steer clear of religious and political topics.Who will steer the way for the cattle?The pranksters failed to steer the woman in the wrong direction.

Can a US Supreme Court justice be impeached due to conflict of interest issues?

No. Recusal (disqualifying oneself from a case) for conflict of interest is a voluntary action; justices cannot be penalized for refusing to do so. Unfortunately, this has lead to situations where justices have heard -- and voted on -- cases in which they should not have been involved.

How Wilmot Proviso lead to conflict?

The Wilmot Proviso lead to conflict because it specifically says that no slavery is allowed in any parts of Mexico.

What were the events that lead to the conflict?

John Flinken caused the conflict

Does war solve conflict?

No. But it can lead to it. War is conflict. It often creates more entrenchment on both sides of a conflict.

How conflict start?

A conflict begins usually when different sides disagree. This can lead to dispute and conflict.

Do social roles rarely conflict with each other?

Social roles can often conflict with each other, especially in situations where there are competing expectations or demands. For example, a person may struggle to balance their role as a parent with their role as an employee. Conflicts between social roles can lead to stress and difficulty in managing multiple responsibilities.

How is governing a country related to the idea of steering?

Because you lead the way like when you steer you movie it to the right derection

Is bulging disks arthirits?

No .However it can lead to situations where arthritis develops.