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The unbalanced force on an object will cause a change in direction towards the lesser force

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Q: Would way will an unbalanced force move?
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How does inertia work?

It is exactly the same as momentum and covered by Newton's first law of motion. Inertia is a way of expressing the force required to get an object to move from rest, or the force required to change the velocity or direction of an object in motion. Anything that has mass will have inertia - a "resistance to move or change velocity or direction of motion".

Can you think another way the Egyptians might have tried to reduce friction to move the heavy blocks?

They could have moved the block through water, which would be Fluid Friction, and makes it easier to move.

If i join the Air Force before going to college will the Air Force supply me with a scholarship and if so how much and do i get to choose wich college?

Well the air force has many college options. You could go to the air force academy for free if you are selected but then you would have to be an officer for at least 6 years afterwards. another way is Air Force ROTC are located all over the U.S. including the university of Illinois. ROTC can get you a huge scholarship and sometimes can pay full tuition. With your dreams of becoming a pastor, Air Force Chaplaincy is the way to go! The air force can pay for a lot of the tuition if not all of it.

How did native Americans respond to the loss of land from white settlement of the Great Plains?

they chose to move a way

How can you calculate resistance force?

YOu screw it all the way to hell.

Related questions

How do unbalanced forces produce motion?

An unbalanced force occurs when the forces acting on an object are not equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This causes the object to accelerate in the direction of the greater force, resulting in motion. The acceleration is directly proportional to the magnitude of the unbalanced force applied.

How does a force affect an object?

A force causes an object to change its motion by accelerating or decelerating it. The direction and magnitude of the force determine how the object will move. If the force is unbalanced, the object will accelerate in the direction of the force.

What is the definition of a unbalanced force?

There is no such thing as "an unbalanced force". There are only forces. When two or more separate forces act on the same object, the GROUP of forces may be balanced or unbalanced. If the sizes and directions of all the individual forces add up to zero, then the GROUP of forces is balanced. If one of them changes or goes away, then the GROUP of forces is unbalanced.

Example of an unbalanced force causing a change in motion?

When a car accelerates, an unbalanced force is applied by the engine to overcome the force of friction and air resistance. This unbalanced force causes the car to change its state of motion from rest or constant speed to accelerating.

Is unbalanced force movement or no movement?

it is no movement, because it wont have a way to go

How are balance an unbalanced forces related to an objects motion?

Balanced and unbalanced forces have alot to do with an objects motion, look at it this way, imagine two puppies are holding on to the same chew toy and they are both pulling with the same amount of force, thus the forces are balaced and the toy will stay in the same place. But if one puppy is pulling on the toy harder then the other, the forces are unbalanced and the toy will move torwards the greater force.

How do you calculate net force when two unbalanced forces act in the same direction?

The data provided will provide a guideline of how to calculate the unbalanced force. The unbalanced force is calculated using the formula : Unbalanced force is equivalent to the mass of the object in kilograms times the acceleration.

Does unbalanced forces maintain motion at constant velocity?

No, unbalanced forces do not maintain motion at a constant velocity. Unbalanced forces cause acceleration, which changes the velocity of an object over time. If the forces are unbalanced, the object will either speed up or slow down depending on the direction of the force.

How do unbalanced forces affect motion?

-- An unbalanced group of forces on an object causes the object to accelerate in the direction of the net force. -- If an object is not moving, then the group of forces on it must be balanced, else it would be accelerated.

What is a sentence using the word unbalanced?

He was always a bit strange and many said he was unbalanced. There was no way it would stand for long as looking at it you could clearly see that it was unbalanced.

Is change in anobjet's motion anunbalanced force?

Not exactly. 'Motion' or 'change of motion' are not force. But the only way to change an object's motion is to cause the group of forces on it to be unbalanced. If the object's motion is changing, then you can be sure that the group of forces acting on it is unbalanced.

Is soccer a balanced force or an unbalanced force?

Soccer can involve both balanced and unbalanced forces. Players apply force when kicking the ball, which can be balanced if it stays in place or unbalanced if it accelerates and moves. Additionally, the overall game dynamics, including player movement and ball trajectory, can also involve a combination of balanced and unbalanced forces.