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Why in the world are you asking that question??!! The Eiffel Tower is already built! Why do people want to see a replica of the Eiffel tower for heaven's sake??!

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Q: Would the Eiffel Tower be build again today?
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Where was the Eiffel Tower build?

it was build in Paris, France it took from 1887 to 1889 to build the Eiffel tower

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yes,because the Eiffel tower i the Eiffel tower

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An engineer by the name of Gustave Eiffel build the Eiffel Tower.

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The Eiffel Tower Was Made Entirely Out Of Metal

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Elephants were not used to build the Eiffel tower.

Who was the french engineer that build the Eiffel tower?

Gustave Eiffel

Why did Gustave name the Eiffel Tower the Eiffel Tower?

Gustave Eiffel is the engineer who championed the idea of the tower and build it. Hence the public of Paris gave his name to the Eiffel tower (he did not name himself the tower).

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WHAT is the Eiffel tower build of?


Why does Paris have an Eiffel tower?

Because that is where Mr. Eiffel decided to build it.

It was built for the worlds fair of 1889?

The Eiffel Tower was the most famous monument build for the Paris World Exhibition in 1889. It was celebrating the first century since the French Revolution that started in 1789. It was build by engineer Gustave Eiffel in two years.