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Cockroaches would survive a nuclear war. Since lawyers are an even lower life-form they should too.

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Is the nuclear war really scary?

Yes. Everyone is very scared of the nuclear war, once the nuclear war have broken out no one will survive. Hope that the nuclear war will not happen.

The virus can survive a nuclear war?

Some can.

What is the most likely to survive a nuclear war?

Underground bunkers or shelters specifically designed to withstand nuclear blasts and radiation would be the most likely to survive a nuclear war. These structures provide protection from the initial explosion and fallout, increasing the chances of survival for those inside.

Where can I survive nuclear war?

If you can find a very deep underground bunker that is stocked piled with many years of food and water, you may survive a nuclear war.

Could dc survive a nuclear war?

posibly it depends

Could humans survive nuclear war?

It depends on how large of a nuclear war. If India should have a nuclear war with China or Pakistan, the human race would probably survive it. However, if the US had exchanged nukes with the USSR during the Cold War, there might have been no safe place in the world from the radioactive fallout.

What survives a nuclear war?

Studies have shown that cockroaches have an excellent resistance to radiation, leading to the expectation that they will survive a nuclear war. Even so, we can't really know for sure what will survive a nuclear war until we actually have one. WW II doesn't count, even though two atomic bombs were used, at the end of the war.

What would it take to start a nuclear war?

A nuclear or biological assault could initialize a nuclear war.

Why did Russia had a large military and nuclear weapons?

To prevent tough guys to play with the war. If we use the nuclear weapon, nobody will survive. Nobody should play with the war.

Who would win in nuclear war?

Nobody- you cannot win a nuclear war. You may want to watch the film 'Threads' on YouTube for a good simulation of what a Nuclear war would do.

What animal will survive if humans kill themselves in a nuclear war?

insects and protozoa are likely to do ok

What event prompted government to create a network of linked computers?

During our cold war scientist and government officials knew that a well distributed computer network would most likely survive a nuclear war.