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Yes, definitely. my point of view is that India has much developed under British rule. and if it would have continued for a few more years India would have civilized a lot more than the present condition. according to me, India would have progressed faster and better if British continued to rule but for a few years more only. thanxxxxx.................

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Such questions are difficult to answer. Different people have different ideas as to what is best.

Generally it is better for people to go their own way and determine their own fate.

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Q: Would have India progressed faster and better if it had continued to be under British rule criticize topic?
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Would have India progressed faster and better if it had continued to be under british rule?

YES India would have progressed faster and better if it continued under British rule because British have give us lot of things that we use in our daily life. and if they rule in India so they also provides many things to India. for Eg:- the world's third largest railway track. Developed a modern economy. Schools and Colleges were founded. Sanitation and public health improved. End to local warfare. Network of telephones, telegraph line, dams, bridges, and irrigation canals.

Critically analyze - Would have India progressed faster and better if it had continued to be under British rule?

OK, done that. An interesting task to undertake. I suggest you also do it though it will take some considerable research and not a little time.

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