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I think there would have been no motivation for people to conceive an Israel nation without the holocaut.


Zionists had been campaigning for their own nation-state since the 1890s. Morever, the British Mandate in Palestine was due to expire in 1948, so some decision about the future of the area would have had to be taken anyway.

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Q: Would United Nations have created Israel if the Holocaust never happened?
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Which country was created by the united nations as a home for the Jews after world war 2?

Israel .

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Joseph, Sarah, Israel are some names.

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Israel. To allow the Jews to be free from the crimes that were and still are Tyranny and Hate.

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One big reason was the simple fact that those nations were happy to be rid of their Jews.

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Split the nations up into what we now call Israel, Palestine, and what we now call the league of a Arab Nations.

What happened that made Jews create Israel?

World war 2