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The number of native Palestinians, both Muslims and Christians, who were subjected to ethnic expulsion after the creation of Israel in 1948 is not known exactly but it is in hundreds of thousands. Many towns and villages were abandoned and people fled to neighboring countries. At the same time, roughly the same number of Jews, natives of the neighboring countries, were subjected to ethnic expulsion, abandoned their homes, and fled to Israel.

Now, over 60 years later, the Israeli government includes a number of democratically elected Arab representatives, the refugees were integrated into society, and there are no refugee camps. The neighboring countries include few democratically elected representative government bodies, and the refugees are still in refugee camps.

The Arab League has passed resolutions banning Arab countries from naturalizing Palestinian refugees in their own countries because that will make it near impossible for them to return to their occupied lands in Gaza and West Bank. In a bizarre twist of illogic, much of worldwide public opinion holds Israel responsible for the failure of Arab countries to integrate Arab refugees into their normative societies and economies.

Numerical estimates of the amount of Palestinians who fled in 1947-1949 range from 500,000 to 800,000 with most historians choosing a number in the low 700,000s like 720,000. They primarily fled to Jordan, but a large number also fled to Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria. With the partial exception of Jordan, none of these countries has provided citizenship or acceptance for Palestinian refugees.

Numerical estimates of Jews who fled Arab countries from 1947-1952 are between 600,000 and 1,000,000 with most historians choosing a number in the mid 800,000s like 850,000. Of these emigrants, 500,000 settled in Israel and the remaining ones went to France, the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom. All of these former refugees have become citizens in either Israel or the other countries to which they fled.

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Q: With the establishment of Israel in 1948 about how many native Palestinians moved into neighboring Arab countries?
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The Arab states regard the establishment of Israel an injustice therefore this tension still exists today between Israel and the?


A major reason for this conflict was that Arab countries?

believed Israel was created on lands belonging to Palestinians.

Who lives in Gaza?

The people living in Gaza are Palestinians (the original people of the Palestine Country before Israel establishment in the area). Gaza together the West bank are parts of the Palestinian territory, currently occupied by Israel, after war of June 1967. refer to related question for more information.

Where did Palestinians go when Israel won its independence?

The Palestinians were driven out to occupied territories such as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Some of them were able to move into surrounding countries but most weren't welcomed there.

Which countries support which sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

Before Oslo Agreement, every country supported one side, after this agreement: *countries that recognize Israel. *countries that agree with Israeli actions *countries that abstaining for both sides. *countries that support Palestine no matter what. *countries that support both most of the time. We can say that most of the Western countries support Israel, some no matter what and some agree on some things with the Palestinians. Over the years there have been more countries that recognize Israel and support her. In countries where most of the population are religious Muslims or Palestinians, there is problem with recognizing Israel. Many Jews in Europe are afraid that the immigration of Muslims to Europe will make these countries Anti-Israel.

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Should Palestinians be allowed to return to Jerusalem?

the awnser for this questionYes, no one should be banned from returning to something that was once theirs Another Answer:The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is very complicated. There are Palestinians who live in Israel as Israeli citizens.Israel never forced the Palestinians to leave Israel. The neighboring Arab countries warned the Palestinians that Israel was going to be attacked. The Palestinians believed that Israel would be destroyed and they would simply return home. Well, that did not work. Israel was not destroyed. Many Jews were under attack in the Arab countries they lived in, so they fled to Israel where they were taken in. The Arab countries in return did not take in the Palestinians that they instructed to leave.Israel is a democracy, in Israel there are Palestinians who have equal rights. Israel is worried about its safety and therefor is not planning on allowing the Palestinians, who willingly left, return. The Palestinians are taken advantage of by their corrupt leaders and other countries. They are used being used. The Palestinians blame Israel for their misfortune and thus dislike Israel. Because of this, Israel is not willing to freely allow them into the country.There is an additional demographic reason too, beyond the fact that Jewish people have moved to Israel in a kind of a 'swap'; since the great-grandparents / grandparents / etc of the current generation of Palestinians left Israel, the number of descendants of those original Palestinians has increased beyond the remotest possibility of Israel's capacity to safely re-accommodate them.

The Arab states regard the establishment of Israel an injustice therefore this tension still exists today between Israel and the .?


The Arab states regard the establishment of Israel an injustice therefore this tension still exists today between Israel and the?


Is Egypt in Israel?

No. Israel and Egypt are two neighboring countries.

What are Israel's beliefs?

In contrast to some neighboring countries, Israel has no state religion, though most people in Israel are Jewish.

A major reason for this conflict was that Arab countries?

believed Israel was created on lands belonging to Palestinians.

Israel's most important river?

Israel only has one river, The Jordan River, which it shares with neighboring countries.

What are the main problems in Israel?

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There is no such thing as "Palestine Money". Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank lack the ability to produce or monitor currencies. They currently use currencies of neighboring countries like Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.

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Israel is located in the Middle East region, bordered by Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan to the east, and Egypt to the southwest. The Mediterranean Sea lies to the west of Israel.

Why does Israel feel threatened by neighboring countries?

Generally, this stems from the fact that several countries around Israel have threatened its destruction and mobilized armies or militants to that effect.