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William Penn founded Pennsylvania. The colony was established to provide religious freedom. Today, Pennsylvania is called a Commonwealth.

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Q: William penn was the proprietor of pennsylvaniand this colony?
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Where did William Penn was the proprietor of Pennsylvania and what colony?

Penn established Philadelphia

Who is the quaker founder and proprietor of the colony of Pennsylvania?

William Penn

What coloney was William penn the proprietor?

Pennsylvania was the colony he established.

What is the the proprietor of the Pennsylvainia Colony that Delaware was placed under the authority of?

William penn

Delaware was placed under the authority of the proprietor of the Pennsylvania Colony.?

William Penn :)

Was Pennsylvania a royal or proprietary colony?

Proprietary with William Penn as the absolute proprietor.

Who was the proprietor of Delaware and Pennsylvania?

Of course it was William Penn. If William Penn was the proprietor of Pennsylvania then he was most definitley the proprietor of Delaware. It was asking WHO is the proprietor of both of those states are. There wasn't two people.

What is an absolute proprietor?

William Penn is known as the "absolute proprietor"

Which colony was founded as a haven for a religious group known as the Quakers?

The proprietor of the colony that founded as a haven for Quakers was William Penn, who founded the colony of Pennsylvania in 1677, which used to contain the western half of New Jersey.

William penn was?

William Penn was the founder of Pennsylvania, the son of Admiral William Penn for whom the Colony was named by King Charles II. He was also a Quaker. Then William Penn had a stroke and died in Ruscombe, Berkshire on July 30 1718.William penn is a famous quaker that founded Pennsylvania

Who lead the Pennsylvania colony?

Pennsylvania was a proprietary colony that was governed by a representative of the English monarchy, and it was also under a colonial charter agreement. The representative was called the proprietary governor.

William penn founded what colony?

William Penn founded the colony ofPennsylvania