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Q: Will USA Military attack Puerto Rico to enforce payment of PROMESA defaults?
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What is the value of 25 cent series 641 military payment certificate?


How did Great Britain enforce payment on taxes?

They had people working for the British monarchy who would live there as a governor and enforce taxes with British troops. They also forced them to pay when American ships arrived at European Ports.

Why did Great Britain enforce the payment of taxes?

New Answer:It was done to show the colonists that King George III, and the English Parliament had complete and total authority and control over America.

Currency in Vietnam during the war?

The South Viets used Piasters. GIs used MPC (Military Payment Certificates).

How did Britten enforce taxing laws?

Pretty much the same way things are done today. Soldiers and officials would visit the individual and demand payment. If it was not forthcoming, they might seize goods and property to get the money.

Related questions

What is the average of first payment and early payment defaults in the auto industry?

$26,000 annually for a first time payment or early default payment. The payment will still depend on the location and size of company that one is working for in the auto industry.

What is a Series 611 military payment cerificate worth?

37 military payment certificate series 611

A payment for military service is a an?

a paryment for military service is an

Do you have a right to enforce payment for the child if the natural mother agreed to it?

Not without a court order.

What is the value of series 651 Military Payment Certificate 1.00 denominationI?

What is the value of series 651 Military Payment Certificate 64

How can I cosign for a loan without being legally liable?

no such thing! sorry! by cosigning a loan you are gaurenteeing payment therefore you are responsible for the loan if the original signer defaults every late payment and every on-time payment effects both parties either positively or negatively

How are car loan defaults settled in court?

Under "contract law", in this instance the loan/payment agreement you signed at the time the car was handed over to you.

What do you do if someone defaults on paying for a car that you are selling to them you are a citizen and did not finance the car but did have them sign a contract for payment dates and amounts?

You need to sue them in civil court.

Whose credit score is used when you cosign for a loan?

The cosigner's credit score is used. They are the one responsible if the primary signer defaults on payment. Both credits are ruined if the car payment is missed. Be very careful of who you sign for!

Your ex-husband has not followed the orders of payment on the permanent divorce-decree what do you do?

File a motion to enforce the court orders.

How is a cosigner affected when the primary signer is late on a payment?

The late payment(s) will show on the co-signer's credit report. If the loan defaults, the company can look for the co-signer to pay the remainder. Co-signing is very risky if the primary borrower has poor credit--it reflects poor payment habits.

What is the number one reason for consumer default on loans?

Someone defaults on a loan when they fail to pay it back (or pay back a regular instalment). Normally this would either be because they can't afford the payment, or they forgot to make the payment.