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Yes. He seems to have a lot of pull with millionaires: black and white alike.

We think he should try to. Afterall, Sarah deserves it.

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Q: Will Jesse Jackson raise the millions to help Sarah Collins?
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How did selma happen?

Well, it started when 5 little black girls were in the 16th Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, on September 15,1963. It was 10:22am when the church was bombed by the KKK. A white surpremisist threw a bomb into on window of the 16th Baptist church and minutes later, a bomb went of killing 4 little girls and injuring 23 others. Only one girl out of the 5 survived. Denise McNair, Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley, and Sarah Collins were in the bathroom freshining up before sunday school. Addie Mae asked Carole to tie the sash on her dress, Carole stood there with her hands out ready to tie the sash, then the expolsives went off. Sarah called out for her sister, no response. By then, People had gathered around and many in shock. a man ran up and grabbed Sarah and took her out of the rubble. Sarah had to be transported to the hospital where she was blinded by the glass shards and debris in her eyes. Sarah Collins was the only one out of the 5 girls who survived the KKK bombing. Today, Sarah is known as, "The 5th Girl" and still lives in Birmingham, Alabama. It wasnt until 15-20 years later that the person was caught and arrested. The 16th Baptist church still stands today, remodeled, but blocked off to visitors.

Who were Sarah Boone's parents?

Squire Boone was her father and Sarah Morgan was her mother.George Wilcaxson was Sarah Boone's Dad and Elizabeth Hall as Sarah Boone's mother

What were the countries involved in east timor peacekeeping?

me Sarah me Sarah " me Sarah " is not a good enough answer!

How did Christine Collins die?

Christine Ida Dunne Collins lived from 1891 to December 8, 1964. It is not clear how she died since she used aliases to stay out of the public eye. Her son, Walter Collins, Jr, disappeared from his home in Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles on March 10, 1928. Six months after Walter junior's disappearance, the police found a boy, Arthur J. Hutchins, Jr., who claimed to be her son. The police had her committed to an insane asylum when she publicly stated to the press that this was not her son. She remained imprisoned for ten days until Hutchins admitted that he was not Walter Collins, Jr. Prior to her son's kidnapping, her husband, Walter Collins, Sr. was convicted of eight armed robberies and was an inmate in Folsom Prison where he died of liver disease on August 18, 1932. Gordon Stewart Northcott's mother, Sarah Louise Northcott pled guilty to murdering Walter Collins, Jr. Superior Court Judge Morton sentenced her to life imprisonment on December 31, 1928, sparing her from execution because she was a woman. Sarah Louise Northcott served her sentence at Tehachapi State Prison. Gordon Stewart Northcott was convicted of the murders of Lewis and Nelson Winslow, and an unidentified Mexican teenage boy. Although Northcott's nephew Sanford Wesley Clark stated that Gordon, Sarah and he killed Walter, Jr., Gordon was not convicted of that crime. Gordon Stewart Northcott was hanged on October 2, 1930. Christine Collins won $10,000 in a suit against J. J. Jones in 1935 for false imprisonment. She renewed the suit in 1941 for $15,562. Jones never paid the judgment. The last public record of her is a voting record in 1954 and the mention of her death in the social security data base. Christine Collins held onto the hope that her son was still alive until her death. The best accounts about her life appear in Harnisch, Larry (2008-11-10). "Changeling -- Finding Christine Collins". Los Angeles Times. Girardot, Frank (2008-11-20). "Christine Collins mystery solved". San Gabriel Valley Tribune. See also

What is Sarah E goode's hole name?

Sarah Elisabeth Goode.

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