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My ex husband was like your girlfriend. He'd accuse me of cheating (and I honestly wasn't) and he was the one cheating and I caught him. Usually cheaters are the way they are because they have no self confidence. I found out later that my ex's mother cheated over and over again on his father until his father finally left. My ex told me when I filed for divorce, "I thought all women would cheat eventually, so I was going to beat you to it." Although it saddened me to realize the damage he was doing to his personal life he had to learn that not all women cheat, just like not all men cheat. Also there are people that have to be constantly adored, told they are beautiful (or handsome) and verification that they are #1 in their mates life. That's also lack of self confidence and immaturity. You should sit down and communicate with your girlfriend. If she is cheating she will never admit to it, but, it gives you the opportunity to let her know that no one is going to walk all over you this way. Good luck Marcy

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Q: Why would your girlfriend accuse you of cheating when you have never given her a reason to cheat before but she has given you lots of signs and you wonder if she has cheated even though she denies it?
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